Friday, October 30, 2020
My Sister's Ruler - A Quick Blast From the Past
Thursday, October 29, 2020
5th Grade Gardeners
I spent the first part of the morning with a big smile on my face - Mrs. E's 5th graders had planted their calendula seeds and were eager to share their progress.
We admired the growth that some had seen and commiserated with those who were still waiting for something to sprout. The seed packet gives a range of 5 to 15 days for seedlings to emerge; there is still a big window of opportunity.
Calendula seeds look like tiny horseshoes; they're about 1/16th of an inch. The scholars took them out of the box with a pair of tweezers. The seeds were supposed to stay under the soil and sprout individually.
One of the scholars had a seed with a different point of view. Why is my seed on the outside of this plant? he wondered.
Upon closer examination, Zoom style, it was obvious that this was not a pellet of water retention material nor timed release fertilizer, both of which were in the fancy potting soil I provided. Nope, this was a seed that had gotten caught up in the accelerated growth of its cousin and had become a part of the unfolding seedling.
Thinking about the sprout catching the other seed on its way to the surface made us smile. Maybe, the scholar surmised, because his plant is on the second floor of his house and therefore closer to the sun, it bloomed more quickly than others' had. The scholars were pretty close on how many million miles away the sun is, and we spent a moment considering the difference between 93 million miles and one flight of stairs. It's possible, but only in a very small way was our conclusion.
There are so many science experiments going on. Their new greenhouse was put to use when they planted the left over marigold seeds outside and settled the greenhouse on top. Will the seeds grown outside in the planting bed differ from those raised inside a bedroom, or on a windowsill, on a coffee table, in the classroom, or in cups set out in the sun in Grandma's Garden? There are so many data points, so many compare and contrast situations, so much to think about and learn and discover.
It was 50 minutes of intensity, broken up by Emily Dickinson reflecting on grass.
It was 50 minutes of love, going both ways, with smiles and waves to boot. It's Virtual Garden Club, and we're making it work.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Goggles and Giggles
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
My phone greets me with the news that it's 68 degrees outside. I look at my outfit and I start to shiver. Possibly it's time to retire my sleeveless tank tops.
There was a little red exclamation point sitting beside the temperature notification, just begging me to click it. I'm delighted even further - there's a freeze warning tonight.
It's a damn good thing we turned off the pool heater. Today's temperatures look to be heading downward, with an overnight low hovering in the low 40's.
I need to have a talk with the weather gods..... this is not Indiana, this is Tucson. We don't do freeze warnings until after Thanksgiving, thank you very much.
I found a smile in the fact that I'd uncovered the shade cloth and other coverings this weekend; my still to be planted rock roses will need comfort and succor for the next few nights.
Tomorrow's high is 59.
I know that if you are sitting inside watching snowflakes cover your patio, this seems like a very small thing. But for me, right now, it just says winter is coming.........
VOTE - someone in charge needs to believe in climate change.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Fall in the Desert
The pups spent some time in buckets of water
I ended up with 31 pups which I potted in containers which have accumulated over the past 14 years.
Friday, October 23, 2020
The Debate
I watched the first one, where, as one focus group member said, our President acted like a deranged crackhead.
I flipped my eyes over to TBG watching Joe answer questions on the big screen while I watched Savannah Guthrie scold our President on my phone as I made dinner. Every giggle from me led to an explanation for my sweetie on the couch. All the best moments were replayed later for his amusement, but it was fun to share.
And so tonight we have a debate with a mute button and a strong, female moderator. Our President is in full melt down mode as he's holding superspreader events all over the country. Joe Biden sent his best surrogate to a parking lot in Philadelphia while he holed up for debate prep.
Our President doesn't need to prepare. His aides, looking for post-debacle employment, are heard cautioning him to be measured and stick to the script. That, of course, would take some preparation, if not a character transplant. It's unnecessary. He knows where he's going - China and Hunter, with a dash of 33,000 emails on the side.
The Biden campaign has effectively recast Joe's surviving son as a lost soul, wandering in the wilderness, always held in the loving hand of his doting and devoted father. His daughter, Naomi's, Twitter thread amplified the story, and it's a good one.
This is how it starts:
Though the whole world knows his name, no one knows who he is. Here's a thread on my dad, Hunter Biden - free of charge to the taxpayers and free of the corrosive influence of power-at-all-costs politics. The truth of a man filled with love, integrity, and human struggles
It's a fine read. It puts our President to shame.... or it would if that word existed for him.
Perhaps, while our President is babbling on, Joe could accept a phone call from one of his grandkids, the calls he never lets go to voice mail.
Do you think that our President knows the names of his grandkids, let alone has them in his phone?
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Virtual Gardening
Mrs. E invited me into her 5th grade's Wednesday Zoom meeting. I had more than a week to prepare. I have come to a conclusion: Teaching is not for the faint of heart.
Grandma got into her coat of many colors, organized her notes and her demonstration items, and then I realized that my computer was on an endless loop of rebooting itself and Grandma was gone and I was in a panic. With two minutes to spare, I connected via the iPad mini perched atop a box (that was happily out of place) and leaning against my water bottle (I was thirsty but thwarted).
I found the gallery view (with a little bit of encouragement) and then there they were, bigger but still the same. Their faces filled my heart. I could feel it expanding in my chest.
But there was no time to dwell on the wonderfulness of it all, because suddenly the introductions and instructions and reminders were over and it was time to talk about xylem and phloem.
They are two of the strangest words to spell and say. Somebody knew exactly what photosynthesis meant, and what it did, and the role of of sunlight in the factory that made its own food. And we ate some of that food, as somebody else agreed that syrup is sap and that's food for plants and also food from plants and I stopped before I got caught up in it entirely.
We all took a moment to let it sink in.
Meristematic tissue - growth tissue - was next on the agenda, and then tree rings, and then the whole thing from roots through stem to flower. I read them Joyce Kilmer and an ancient Norwegian prose poem on trees. We went over the instructions for the marigold seed planting project they'll do when their cohorts return to in-person learning on Thursday or Friday.
Fifty-eight minutes had passed.
I spent an hour or so finishing the project materials, then drove to pick up the soil and drop it off at school.
That was 58 minutes of presentation, without worrying about running the call, or managing the questions. I knew that the teacher would step in if I got stuck, or ran out of things to say. The topic was one I loved.
I was exhausted. I was exhilarated. I'm still smiling.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Random Thoughts on Aches and Pains
I noticed that my hip doesn't hurt.
Brother said, halfway through this adventure in perforation, You never get a break, do you? It's always there. He was right. It was always there, until suddenly, it wasn't.
Sure, I can make it hurt, but the dull ache of chronic pain centered in my hip is a thing of the past.
Of course, right now, after Pilates and swimming a quarter mile's worth of laps, my newly discovered adductors are announcing their presence with authority.
As always, so long as the pain sensation keeps moving around, everything's good.
It's not pain. It's a sensation.
A wise physical therapist counseled me to assess the threat value of the sensation before I decided it was pain and not discomfort related to getting better. It was very good advice.
I feel the sensation and I re-adjust my posture so that all my muscles are working together and, while it takes effort to hold myself erect, it's also exactly what I need to do in order to continue to heal.
I remember when the orthopedic surgeon told me that my only job was to heal. I've added other jobs as I've been able, but I've always deferred to healing over everything else.
I stop before I do damage. I rest when I'm injured and I don't repeat the offending movement. I'm not 30 years old any more; my mind refuses to believe and my body reminds........
And so I can work in the garden for an hour, bending and twisting and carrying and lifting and kneeling and sitting down and getting up. When I'm done, I'm done, but while I'm working I'm intense.
My body is not getting in my way as I'm doing the things I love to do.
The assessments always want to quantify how much my injury took from me. How much of my life have I been able to resume, they wonder.. For many years, I've been stuck at 85%, and felt grateful to have that much.
Lately, though, 90% seems like a more accurate description.
There's still more work to do, but I have a new mantra that makes me smile and gives me hope.
This is where I go when that last set of whatevers is just too much to consider,
My 90 year old self will thank me for this.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020
Grandma's Garden - The Disastrophe

And what, you may wonder, is that luscious pile of greenery?

Friday, October 16, 2020
What To Watch
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Things I'm Having Trouble Figuring Out
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Happy Birthday, Daddooooo!
My father has been present lately. It's somewhat disconcerting, this feeling that he's hovering and judging.... always judging... and loving, always loving even if he didn't quite know how to show it without getting in his own way.
My children loved him. My grandchildren and he would have made the most marvelous group of creative if somewhat bossy and demanding humans.
He'd be celebrating his 104th birthday today, which took me a moment to get my head around. He'd have been so angry at Donald Trump for his attitude, my father who put an American flag on his car during the Viet Nam war just to rile the hippies, who was a contratrian by nature, but who was, at heart, a good man.
I miss him.
He was a confusing person, so this is not surprising. I never knew if I wanted to hug him or throttle him.
Deaf-as-a-door-nail, hearing aid batteries constantly squealing or dying or resting comfortably in the breast pocket of his plaid wash-and-wear shirt, he monopolized conversations so that he would know what was going on. That works well until your audience hits second grade or so; after that, it becomes a full fledged "Herb Attack."
I know this because I have been guilty of them, myself.
His tales were fascinating. If the facts weren't really facts, well, they should have been. He went to City College with Richard Feynman. He lived down the block from Jonas Salk. He knew every cobblestone, every cornerstone, every brick and street sign in Manhattan. Serving as tour guide in The Big Apple made him about as happy as anything else I can imagine... and I've been sitting here thinking about it for a while.
Surrounded by his grandchildren-of-a-certain-age, those who were sentient but not yet sarcastic, he could sit for hours, regaling them with stories about the chickens they raised in the backyard on Hessler Avenue; about the boat he and his brothers built one summer... the boat that almost floated; about the time it rained frogs; and about all the times he got into trouble at school, because he just wouldn't stay still.
He probably deserved a diagnosis or medication; born in 1916, he was "just being Herbert." He continued being just himself, sui generis as I called him in the obituary I wrote for the New York Times, until the very end.
He died at home, between the first and second commercial of the 10 o'clock episode of Law and Order on the Saturday night before Thanksgiving. There's some confusion about the date, since the hospice nurse didn't get there to sign the death certificate until early Sunday morning. Like his birthday, I need cues to keep the date straight. Like most things Daddooooo related, this is not now nor has it ever been easy.
The funeral home attendants gave her a moment in the hallway before they wheeled him out the front door. G'ma leaned over, kissed him, and then admonished him, one last time: "Behave yourself, Herbert! Don't give them any trouble." The paramedics were bemused. My mother looked right back at them. "If you'd known him, you'd understand."
Happy Birthday, Herb, you strange and singular father of mine. Happy Birthday to YOU!
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Voting 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Friday, October 9, 2020
A Family Text-A-Thon
I'm looking forward to the next debate for only one reason. Not for the stimulating dialogue or relentless questioning by probing moderators, not for the drama and the excitement and the aha moments, no, not for any of that.
What I'm anticipating is two hours texting with my far-flung family.
Trump/Biden was awful, but Little Cuter and I kept one another sane until Queen T started typing on the family chat. Then we joined the others in decrying the collapse of American civilization. We hung up when none of us needed any more comforting..... it took a while.
Pence/Harris was a different kettle of fish, entirely. Kamala introduced herself to America, and while some men seem to think that she was angry and a monster, the family agreed that she was Mom-ing him.
It didn't take Joy Reid to explain that every black child in America knew those faces. I must have texted I'm speaking" two dozen times. The only thing I texted more was Her Face!!! Those expressions told me what Pence was saying even when I couldn't bear to hear his sanctimonious blathering any longer.
She was responding in the moment, just like we were. She seemed approachable and enthusiastic and ready for the fight.
Mike Pence sat with a fly on his head. The Biden campaign's fly swatter was created and sold out in a matter of minutes. I'll spare you the what flies eat/land upon/signify memes. They had us laughing last night. They are everywhere. Look and enjoy.
There were moments of CAPITALIZATION and moments of screaming at the screen, but mostly there was admiration for Sen. Harris and derision of Mike Pence, who seemed unable to answer a question or seem to care about any of the blather he was spewing.
Mayor Pete did a damn fine job of explaining Pence's style - lying with Midwestern sincerity. Susan Page was useless as a controller of the scene. My family was funnier than Nicole and Joy and Rachel on MSNBC last night.
That's it. It's over. Will there be another one? Will I watch it if there is n mute button? One wonders....
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Random Thoughts On The Elections
Though I've been looking forward to watching Kamala slice and dice the VP, I wish she had refused to participate, citing the CDC guidelines that say Mike ought to stay at home for 14 days.
I'm worried for her.
Martha McSally's grin drove me away from the screen after 9 minutes. She was full of invective and disingenuousness and calling out a Naval officer on his patriotism rang hollow.... and that was one and a half questions in.
I have a loud voice. I'm passionate and sometimes I get carried away. But I like to think that the sounds I'm emitting are worth hearing. Martha's were not.
Mark Kelly looked just fine next to her, spiffy in a jacket and tie, looking straight at the person whose question he was actually answering with facts and a calmness beside the chaos beside him.
I caught an unintended snippet in the car a while later. Mark was asked to respond to something and he said, "I don't know where she's getting these facts. Now she's just making things up."
And then he shut up. The moderators waited for him to continue, but he'd said enough.
I can't wait for my ballot to show up.
Little Cuter voted this morning in South Bend and regaled us with the wonderfulness of it all on our call this afternoon.
- The doors opened at exactly 8:00.
- Masked and socially distanced, the line moved smoothly through a 4 story atrium with hand sanitizer stations every 3 feet.
- The poll workers were masked and gloved and protected by plexiglass and more bottles of hand sanitizer.
- Her identification was sprayed with cleanser before it was returned, she chose her own pen from a box and returned it for sanitizing after she had an emotional moment or two in the booth, marking her ballot, feeling like this could make a difference.... there is hope.
- And, best of all was Miss Yvonne's response when Little Cuter thanked her for being a poll worker: We all have to do something, baby.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Participatory Democracy
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Mark Kelly on Zoom
Brenda Starr was hosting again. She let another survivor friend and me into the call before anyone else was admitted; she wanted to be sure that the two of us made the cut - the call was wildly over-subscribed.
I don't recall that problem coming up when Sen. McSally spoke to us last week. Is that a sign? I hope so.
The three of us unmuted and turned on our video and chatted. It was wonderful to share how long our hair has grown, what colors the others had chosen, how the hairdresser was a scary place to be right now. Then, in the 4th box on the screen, appeared the candidate.... tying his tie.
He usually wears black, mostly a form fitting t-shirt. The man isn't very tall, but he is very well proportioned to wear a tight tee. I'm just sayin'...........
Once the others started filtering in, I began to smile. There were Patsy and Jerry Ru..... and Bridget's iPad and Philips ipad ... all titles I'd seen beneath their faces on the previous Star-sponsored calls. It felt like old home week.
The program started early, once all the spots were filled. The differences between the two candidates could not have been starker.
Kelly stressed the necessity for teamwork - in space or in the Senate - where McSally had likened her time in Washington to being deployed in a combat zone. No, Kelly said, in combat your mission is to destroy the enemy.
"I don't think of it like that. We're all on the same team - we are not enemies."
Can you imagine if all our representatives felt that way?
His answers were precise and nuanced. He admitted when he hadn't thought through a policy, acknowledging the gaps in his preparation for the role - he's good at math, at science, a pretty good engineer, good at figuring things out but thinking about politics as a means to push social policy is something that he's still working on.
But his answers to specific questions on policy were quitedetailed. He's obviously done his homework.
He'd lower the age for people to enroll in Medicare. If you remove those folks from the risk pool (those trying to buy insurance on the exchanges) that should bring down the cost a lot.
There's exactly the kind of answer a scientist would give.
It's beautiful to watch his face as he talks about Gabby's influence. She showed him how politics can make a difference. He would tackle Big Pharma's obsession with multiple patents, those messy problems that keep generics off the market for decades, and he peppered his answer with specifics: they make $20 billion, the formula remains the same, but the price to consumers has doubled.
It reminded me of my statin issue..... bringing clarity to drug pricing would make all of us better consumers.... my candidate was speaking directly to an issue that I face... and he offered a solution.
I began to feel a lot better about my country's future.
Monday, October 5, 2020
I've read all the snarky tweets, seen all the (very funny) memes and GIFs, listened to friends voices and read their texts and emails. There's a general sense of guilt mixed with I told you so floating in a soup of how should I feel about this.
I have no problems. I have a solution. It's tried and true. It has been used whenever our nation has suffered a shattering loss - mass shootings especially seem to bring it out. It is meant to console and comfort and show empathy and compassion.
At least that's what I assume those who use it want us to believe about them. They are concerned. They are paying attention with their heads and their hearts. They are good people.
And so, here's all you have to say, write, think:
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
That's it.
No need to take any action. It's probably too soon, or too personal, or too intrusive, or too something. You've said what you had to say. You can be done with the issue now.
It works for them. It's just about the right amount of time to expend.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Pandemica's Small Changes - A Snippet
Much has been lost since Donald Trump stole my country.
Among the losses are Perfect Patty and her delightful daughter, My Young Friend. We lost Patty to ICE and the bus to Nogales. We lost My Young Friend to Shelter in Place. Though she'll run to Costco for me, or rake stones that hurt my hip to move, I won't let her in to help me clean.
My house began to take notice. I acquired the proper tools and, with support from the other person who lives here, things began to sparkle once more. Today was one of the days where the kitchen screamed Clean Me Now, and more than Method Daily Cleaner and Shine was called for.
Off came the burners and out came Barkeepers Friend. Soapy water on the counters and everything up and out. After vacuuming came mopping and then we collapsed on the bed, waiting for the floors in the rest of the house to dry.
Normally, on a day like this, we'd opt to go out for dinner. It was A Patty House and we didn't want to mess it up.
Today, having done the work myself, I was absolutely delighted to spend time in my beautiful space, creating a meal with not a lot of splattering to mess it up.
Much has changed, indeed. I am now happy to spend time in the kitchen.
The universe is realigning on its axis.