Thursday, February 29, 2024
Leap Year - A Snippet
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
What Is That?
I didn't realize that construction skills would be necessary when I began Grandma's Garden.
Today I struggled with the waterproof, 100 gallon, storage chest with cushion. They sent me eight screws; I could only find use for six of them. This might have concerned me, but they were the last parts in the instructions and after arguing with the clip in plastic sides for about an hour I wasn't interested in continuing the conversation.
I was dealing with attaching the hinge when kindergarten arrived. I wasn't my usual welcoming self, so most of them stayed on the playground. There were a lot of first and second graders who tried to help me solve the problem, which was resolved when the third graders entered the picture.
I was sitting on the old bench, admiring my work.
What's that?
Hmmmmm, thought I.
What does it look like?
Silence. Bewildered looks. I started to laugh. It wasn't disguised. It was obvbiously a box. It didn't occur to me that they were really asking how we'd be using it.
I had some fun suggesting that it was a banana peel.... a third grader.... and by then we were all laughing pretty hard, and continued to laugh as others came through the gate and wondered just like they did.
Each group eventually got around to what would be stored and why were there screws lying on the bottom (cf paragraph 2) and what would we do with the bench that was chained to the fence and what was that cushion all about?
It was all about this:
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Happy BIrthday to Me
Little Cuter says I am not elderly, not in my 70's. Mid-eighties might be another story..... but why go there right now?
John Steinbeck, Elizabeth Taylor, a favorite cousin, and I all share this birthdate. It comes at a lull in the holiday calendar and right in the middle of the snowbirds' season. Many friends come to town; I consider them all birthday gifts.
We'll go to dinner with the usual suspects at a 40 year old Italian restaurant none of us have ever tried. It has unlimited garlic bread. Elastic waist pants will be in order.
I've had ecards and physical cards and pre-birthday texts. I'll go to Prince tomorrow and get some birthday hugs (these things have a way of becomng known, it seems) after a birthday breakfast with Taos Bubbe.
72 is starting out quite well.
Monday, February 26, 2024
She Gets Me
JannyLou came for a visit this weekend. Fast Eddie had a cold (not COVID; he kept testing just to be sure) so he stayed home. It was old home week without one quarter of us; somehow, we made do.
She had plans with her sorority sisters on Friday night, so she breezed in and out, taking a garage door clicker so she could return at her leisure. It was fun saying Don't be late and Drive carefully and, my favorite reminder of Little Cuter's time at home during college, TBG wondering Do you have cash?
The kid went back to college with a roll of twenties, because Dad kept offering them to me.
We stayed up to be sure she got home okay.... well, we stayed out in the living room after 10pm..... and she came home with the smile you get after spending time with people who've known you since college.
She spent the next morning with a bestie, dining out for lunch and bringing home Costco steaks and country bread for dinner. I wouldn't let her help with dinner preparations. I wanted her to feel like a guest.... even though she kept insisting that she wasn't a guest at all.
Dr. K and Not Kathy came over for dinner and conversation and laughing and catching up. It reminded me of what I lost when our neighbors moved to Phoenix - a blending of my friends, hearing old stories through new ears, reaffirming the fact that we are not alone in our outlook or beliefs. There are others out there if we can find them.
She left this morning after french toast and strawberries for breakfast and a walk across the street to see what the new-since-she-moved-neighbors are doing to their 12.5 acre spread.
There seems to have been a house or two behind the overgrown vegetation, untended for the seventeen years we've lived here.
And now she's gone and the house is empty again. I like the people who bought her house, I really do. But it just isn't the same as having JannyLou nearby.
I didn't know what to do with the two asides indented up there. Parentheses seemed bulky. Adding them to the paragraph was equally awkward. So, I made up my own construction. I hope you like it.
Friday, February 23, 2024
An Outbreak of Stupidity
I usually like going to Whole Foods. That wasn't how I felt today.
I managed to find a cart without a napkin or a crumpled wax paper wrap or a tissue wedged in the corner.
The produce section is under construction and nothing was where it was supposed to be.
There was a mass of humanity blocking every aisle. No one was touching the fruits or veggies. They were just standing there, talking, making it impossible for me to reach the tarragon and the shallots. When I finally got to them, the shallots were buried beneath discarded skins.
There was no broccolini.
There was a poodle, on a leash, without any indication that he was a service animal. Just a dog, out for a walk in my grocery store. His human had him on a long leash. This was not conducive to the smooth locomotion of carts.
The fresh pizza was congealed, frightening, and suspicious looking. I turned toward the newly displayed pre-sliced packs of turkey breast as a more viable option to bring home for lunch. The woman who placed them was being very precise and I admired her dedication to the task.
They offer two kinds, smoked and oven baked. The distinctions are marked on the labels, which the worker bee had placed face down in the cold box. In order to figure out what was where, I had to turn over package after package. They weren't in any real order.
At the checkout lane (I avoid the self check outs when humans are available), a group of 5 adult men who should have known better were chatting up a storm. They weren't checking out. They were talking, standing in a loose, large circle, completely blocking the two open lanes. They were happy to move once I wondered aloud if they were in line, but what were they doing there in the first place?
The parking lot is a nightmare. Avoiding being sideswiped is barely possible. Today was no exception, with someone careening into the lane the UV and I were occupying, not thinking that another car might actually be on the road.
My shocked face was visible through our open windows. His unrepeatable comment was totally unwarranted. Unlike him, I had stopped to check the intersection before barreling through.
I spent a few minutes wondering what kind of new car I'd get to replace the one I wish he had totalled. Then the light changed and I fled the scene.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Happy Birthday, George
Here, once again, is my somewhat annual rant about President's Day. Just like last year, I didn't realize it was President's Day. I was too wrapped up in the terrifying notion that the former guy might be the next guy to pay attention. Here in Arizona, we have Rodeo Weekend this Thursday and Friday so schools remained open. It may have been a Legal Holiday, but my trash was picked up right on schedule.
I'm not the only sentient being who is struck by the strangeness of it all. NPR told me that February 22nd had been a Federal Holiday from 1879 all the way through until 1968 when Congress standardized almost all the Federal Holidays and George ended up with the 3rd Monday in February.... which will always be before his actual date of birth... and, as long as I'm ranting, will always be after Abe's on the 12th.
I'm all for celebrating your Birthday Month, but that's just plain ridiculous.
Here's the rest of the rant, reprinted and slightly edited.
Mary was not in labor on the third Monday of February. She produced her child on a specific day - the 22nd day of February. His birthdate didn't move around according to the federal holiday calendar.
Nancy Hanks Lincoln met her second son, Abraham, on the 12th of this month. Like Mrs. Washington before her, she was not in labor on an indeterminate day sometime in the middle of the month. It occurred on a certain day, a day formerly commemorated by school children and mail carriers alike.
Alas and alack, these fine gentlemen have been conflated into Presidents and their birthdays combined into a generic celebration designed primarily to afford employees the opportunity for a 3-day weekend in the middle of the winter. What was wrong with the old system, I wonder? As an elementary school kid I looked forward to those random days off in the middle of the month. One day, breaking up the routine. One celebration for each president - pennies examined on the 12th, leadership and lying (not) on the 22nd.
There was no time for a weekend away (not that G'ma and Daddooooo could have afforded to take us anyplace anyhow) and there was no competition between students for who went the furthest and had the most fun. It was an opportunity to go sledding at Bethpage (the Black Course was used for many things in my youth; this was the best of them) or to meet friends at the bowling alley and then walk to Smiles (our precursor to a 5-and-dime) where we cruised the aisles until our parents picked us up.
It was grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon on the side, eaten on paper plates and accompanied by the admonition Don't Tell Daddy since the bacon was not exactly kosher and he cared a lot more than did G'ma. There were snow forts to be built, snowball fights to be fought, snow men to be built. The entire neighborhood roamed from front yard to front yard, creating and tumbling and finding warmth and drinks and the occasional bathroom in whichever house we happened to be in front of when the need arose.
And now? Now President's Day is always an event. It's a long weekend for which plans must be made. It has no intrinsic meaning, no relationship to George or Abe or any of their colleagues. Their faces are used to advertise white sales and car sales and furniture sales. What began as tributes to great men has devolved into spending opportunities for the masses.
Am I bitter? You bet. A day off followed by another one 10 days later.... what better way to combat the winter doldrums than that? A random day, a day to cuddle under the blankets with your sweetie or to do all that laundry that interfered with your weekend plans and so still sits in the basket, mocking you. A day to explore the neighborhood and have lunch in that place you've driven by 100 times before..... a day just to be.
Sometimes, when I was a girl really was better.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
An Irrefutable Argument
It is true that there are those who've drunk the MAGA kool aid and are just waiting for the poison to seep into the rest of us. There are those who will not listen, and that is sad.
But for those who might have a small chink in their armor, maybe because they love you, and who might be willing to listen and think about what you're saying, you might try this:
The State of New York found that your guy is unqualified to do conduct business unless two, separate monitors sign off on the deal. He cannot write a check unless it is cleared by different entities, each of whom is endowed with total oversight of the man's affairs.
If the State of New York thinks he's not to be trusted with his own business affairs, why would you trust him with the country's spending, budgeting, forecasting? These are your tax dollars he's spending.... or grifting.
That's the kind and loving way of saying what I heard in a cascading series of talking heads following the lead. That's herea;
So, the man needs a babysitter. Actually, two babysitters because he's such a bad boy. Can't trust him with a marker, let alone a checkbook.
Mommy, may I? What a massive blow to his ego. He's built his brand on being a brilliant business man when all he's done is make stuff up.
He can't be trusted with his own checkbook. Why in the world would anyone trust him with ours?
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
A Bee is Buzzing
The game gives you mottivation along the way, letting you move from Good Start to Moving Up, Nice, Good, Great, Amazing, and Genius. SIR and I share our scores when we hit Genius, which is more often than not. It's a lovely way to occupy my brain while washing dishes or folding laundry. I move the letters around in my head, surprising myself when a word pops up. As we've commented more than once, this is sometimes an all day game.
The Times gives you hints in The Spelling Bee Forum. It also heads that column every day with a different picture of bees, sent in by readers. Today, while deep watering my Meyer Lemon tree, the one that decided to set blooms after every other lemon tree in the land has produced its entire crop, I saw an opportunity to joihn their ranks.
The smell was deliciously sweet. The bees were everywhere, though they moved away from wherever I chose to stand. I figured that out after a while and stood still. This is what came into view

There's more deeper in there.

If I get really deep, there's even more.

Okay, I'll just put my whole self in there and turn over and revel in it.

I'm going to submit them to the paper. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, February 19, 2024
Georgia On My Mind
Wade, who testified before Willis, said the pair split their expenses when traveling because the district attorney is an “independent, proud woman” who insisted on paying her own way. He said Willis used cash to pay him back — which she confirmed — though he did not deposit the cash. (The Hill)
Echoing Willis’s own testimony, Floyd said Friday that he told his daughter growing up to always keep six months cash in her home, describing the practice as “a Black thing.”
Friday, February 16, 2024
Rewatching an Old Favorite
If you haven't seen My Man Godfrey, now would be a good time take it out of the library or Google how to watch it for free. It's one of our favorite movies; our Top Ten list has about twenty entries so don't ask me to be more specific. But for a put a smile on your face experience, there are few films that match it.
Really. Just look at these two:
the criterion collection | |
Thursday, February 15, 2024
We were randomly flipping channels. ESPN was wrapping up coverage of the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade and celebration. It was perfect background noise to the far more interesting conversation we were having.
Then the picture changed. The reporting changed. The venue was different but the words were the same. People were running. Sirens were blaring. Stretchers. Police. Sobbing survivors.
Bright sunshine and ambulances. After a while I couldn't take any more.
What's on ESPN?
This is ESPN.
That was how we came to listen to Marcus Spears wondering if this is who we are as a people, and concluding that it is.
No place is safe was a constant refrain, as if that were a new concept.
Hug those you love. Tomorrow is not promised.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Happy Valentines Day
I spent the last few months watching mothers with their daughters and missing my own Mommy. Finding this old post was like finding a hug.
Happy Valentines Day from my heart to yours.
This happened on Valentines weekend 12 years ago. I remember it as if it were today.
Shockingly, G'ma was willing to forgo her post-prandial nap and accompany me to Target. I hustled her into the car before she could change her mind. We admired the clouds and she told me I was driving too fast and not stopping for the yellow lights and following too closely and she was my mother again, except for the clacking dentures. Be careful what you wish for, I guess.
There was an electric cart in the unloading area next to the handicapped parking space and it was calling her name. She's still got left and right implanted in her memory bank, so directionality wasn't an issue. She took a turn or two too closely, but the t-shirts didn't seem to mind the little bit of sway she put into their hangars. Humans managed to get out of her way, and her enjoyment of the scene washed away frowns before they could be formed. We chose Valentines Day cards and bought mini-packs of tissues for her purse and we giggled over but didn't purchase any of the soft pink socks with hearts that were tempting me at the register. Sorry, Little Cuter........
Pie wasn't nearly enough lunch for me, so I suggested ice cream. "Drive faster!" was her reply, so I did. There's a new Dairy Queen in the neighbrohood and that's where we headed, $5.01 bringing us her sundae (all chocolate....did you really have to ask?) and my strawberry milkshake and more napkins than we needed.
Sitting there in the parking lot, sipping whipped cream and watching chocolate sauce melt into chocolate soft serve, feeling the warm breeze on my bare arms, I was 10 years old again, in the drive-thru with Mommy.
It felt really really good.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
The Second Half (and more)
Monday, February 12, 2024
I Watched the Super Bowl
Friday, February 9, 2024
Harvesting Our Bounty
Those who were less persnickety about seed placement created this messy root system and laughably unhappy carrots.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
My Baby Was Sick
She tested positive after FlapJilly's test turned red immediately. They were both under quarantine and the boys were left to fend for themselves. SIR kept his girls supplied with food and beverage, while they turned the shower into a spa experience with essential oils in the steamy air.
My girl likes her alone time, but she thrives in the bosom of her family. Going a full day without snuggles from Giblet is painful; anticipating and then living through day after day of that separation wass heartbreaking. She was tired and she was bored and she was sick. Not desperately sick, but day after day not getting better sick.
And her mommy was 2000 miles away.
This is the time when GRANDMA should spring to action. Deliveries of chicken soup with matzoh balls......with just the right amount of spring when you bite into them. Cooking them dinner so the boys can focus on one another and not the missing half of their family. Cleaning and laundry and all the tasks that with two adults are manageable can be handled so attention can be given where it is most needed.
Instead, I ordered flowers and popsicles and cheese from Whole Foods to be delivered once SIR was home from school drop off. I chatted on a kids' messenger service with Flap Jilly, amusing us both, reminding me of the hours she and I spent together during Pandemica.
But this time there are vaccines and boosters and Paxlovid for the grown ups, which makes it less scary. It does not bring us any closer. I felt the distance in every fibre of my being. All I could do was shop.
Their Amazon Wish Lists are depleted - books and comfy pj pants and leggos and yahtzee and scrabble and a comfy blanket - and I'm still too far away. Instead of bringing them homemade baked goods I'm DoorDashing my way to parenthood.
She's a grown woman. She's competent. She's responsible. She's my little girl and I wanted to be there, masked and gowned if needed, catering to her every need like I did when we sere separated not by miles but by steps.
And y'know what's the nicest part of all? She likes it.
I am not smothering her. I am mothering her...... even if it has to be from afar.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
The Big Kids in Grandma's Garden
These three were relentless. Discovering the most efficient method of transferring the soil from the pallet on the ground to the bed above, breaking the clods in the bed so the roots could move unimpeded, needing no adult presence except when the compliments became too infrequent.
This scholar was determined to have the surface present an even face to its public.
She approached it from every angle.
Do we think they are having any fun at all?
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
I'm Fed Up
91 criminal and civil indictments have been handed down against the man.
Jurors have watched him up close and personal and have spanked him to the tune of $83.7 million dollars.
The Senate took up the MAGA fold's challenge and came together on a bipartisan bill funding our various proxy wars and addressing the border issue in a way sure to anger the left. Progress on immigration under the current administration is anathema to the presumptive Republican nominee so the Speaker of the House declared that the legislation is DOA in the House.
The fact that our economy is doing quite well thank you very much is, apparently, due to the fact that he's predicted to win in 2024.
There's so much to unpack there.
Steve Bannon had a plan to break the government and he found a willing stooge to front for him. A man with no moral center, with a toddler's sense of entitlement, someone who does not understand the concept of respect, a fountain of word salad that keeps costing him money (E. Jean Carroll should consider him an annuity is my favorite so far), a man motivated by applause and adoration (his versionof loyalty) - that's the perfect person to put up in front of people who had had enough of a black man running and winning and then that awful woman thinking she could do the job and anyway maybe we didn't need a politician but a business man and we know he's successful because he had a tv show.
I'm fed up.
If someone who supports him can explain any of that, I'm ready to listen. Until then, I am done, sated, filled to the brim with trying to figure it out myself. These people just don't like America.
Monday, February 5, 2024
This Is The End
Friday, February 2, 2024
It Snuck Up On Me
February did, that is.
I've been operating in a first month of the new year mode. I began the year with all my usual good intentions. I was going to clean this out and move those inside and finally give all that away. It was January, a good time to sweep out the old and make room for the new.
Well, none of that happened.
Logistics played a big part. It's hard to reorganize when five are occupying space normally used by two. But that excuse has been lame for a long time. Those blankets are still piled up on the bed.
I wasn't worried. It was still January. I had plenty of time.
And then it wasn't and I didn't.
Not that it matters. It will get done when it gets done. The pressing problems have been addressed - the cardboard boxes have been recycled; the holiday decorations are boxed and on shelves; our inventory has been restocked. Why I feel the need to have spent the last four weeks doing more than I did is a mystery to me.
I'm trying to be nicer to myself this year. I think I'll start by letting go of the feeling that I'm behind. I'm just recalibrating the time line to suit current conditions.
I feel better already.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
The pretty etched plastic lamps have the plugs on the wrong side. I sit them in the window, not on a counter. The cords intrude on my view and I can't turn them around.
Our torchiers are from the last century. They've always been temperamental, refusing to turn on or off, flickering for no reason at all. But they are beautiful and when they work their light is exactly what and where we want it to be. So we unplug it because it won't turnoff otherwise, and gently tap it because turning the on off switch makes it tremble.
The old fashioned bubbler lights I bought for TBG's Xmas this year were lovingly packed away in the original, well-engineered box by Queen T. She was meticulous, gently winding the wires, careful not to bend the cardboard inserts. I watched, imagining HoneyBunny in my place, watching her doing the same thing, twenty, thirty, forty years from now.
Big Cuter found an attractive, rechargeable, well priced, light weight reading lamp on Wayfair. It doesn't work at the bedside; its arm is not long enough to bend wide enough to reach my book, even if I scooch all the way over to the very edge of the bed. On the couch, though, it sits primly on the arm rest, casting a bright light on the book in my lap, defeating the designers who neglected to put an electric outlet on the middle of the floor.
I was up before the sun and the bedroom window was full of the moon and a bright but not blinding light that felt like a warm blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I stood there, in the middle of the room, watching and feeling the rotation in the celestial glow. Overwrought? Absolutely. But in that moment I was one with the goddess.