Friday, February 1, 2019

The Hanging Gardens of Prince

There's a long red fence along the outer edge of Grandma's Garden.
It seemed like the perfect place to install the Hanging Garden baskets.
The Garden Club members found partners
and wrote their names on paper from Grandma's pad.
The notes went in the watering troughs after the baskets were attached to the fence with long zip ties.
The soil was transferred from the bag
to the baskets with Grandma's old plastic cups.
The big white one is from the Lincoln Park Zoo, when The Cuters were the age of my Prince gardeners.  I knew there was a reason I held onto them for all these years. 
The watering troughs were created by turning the plastic inserts upside-down-and-backwards.
The spatial relations challenge was harder for some than others. 
Soil was added until all the irrigation holes on the trough separator were covered. 
The Hanging Garden is ready for planting.
Unfortunately, the whistle blew before the seeds could be settled in their new homes. 
Their labeled baskets will be waiting for them when next we meet.

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