Wednesday, April 19, 2023


There is no denying it. Babies are the original attractive nuisance. 

Feeding her the supplemental formula she needs to gain some weight,  changing her delightfully stinky diapers, recording the amount that she swallowed and the color and texture of her excretions, staring at her face, feeling her fingers wrap around mine... it's exhausting.  

She's on her own timetable,  which does not synchronize with that of the adults charged with her care.  "What time is it?" is no longer a relevant question.  It's baby time and that's all that matters. 

So when I called TBG to say goodnight before I fell asleep at 7:45 last night,  all we could do was laugh.

I want to write about Dominion,  and street people in San Francisco,  and Ron DeSantis, and so much more. But I am tired and besotted and already hours late with this post,  so I'll leave you with this and be back tomorrow with worthwhile verbiage. 

Thanks for understanding. 


  1. Oh, what a beautiful photo! You are excused from anything else.

    1. Her mommy had the perfect mirror and the perfect angle for a perfect photo.

  2. That baby takes precedence over all else in the world. This brief moment in time will pass in a blur and very soon you will be wondering where all the time has gone and how can she possible be graduating from college!

    1. I can't believe she's 2 weeks plus already! She's waking up and asking to be held today; she didn't do that 2 days ago.

  3. Oh how I love your photo - thanks for sharing her with us!

    1. If you are in my orbit you are going to see photos. That is for sure.


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