Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Vacation Day Snippet

Scarlett and I spent the early afternoon walking around New York City watching Richard Gere totally inhabit the role of Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer.   

We met The Girls for a late lunch, talking television and gardening and agreeing that the shoes in my trunk really did need to be returned.

I read some of Wuthering Heights, the required text for Wednesday morning's class.

I made a delicious dinner.

I watched TBG's Cavaliers lose in the last second of the playoff game.

And that was my vacation day, which I'm ending by encouraging you to see the film, to read Emily Bronte's oeuvre only with a genealogy close at hand, and, should the state of our Union begin to perturb, please consider, as a balm for your soul and a smile for your face, SNL's slate for the next Presdential race, The Rock and Tom Hanks.

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