Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Something New! - A Short Rant

I was perfectly happy with the grocery store's old credit card screen.  It did nothing to annoy me.  For the last two days, I've had to opt out of text messaging when I enter my phone number to insure I receive all the discounts I'm entitled to in exchange for sharing my purchasing habits.

And finding the opt out space is not easy.

It's new! chirped the cashier when I grimaced.

I am not interested in new.  I like old and familiar, like Tim Walz's flannel shirts.  

I do not want to be tempted by offers or enticed to spend more time doing something of marginal interest.  Google has a new feature that's announced in its own window, which appeared without my consent.  I do not want to learn how to search even deeper by clicking here and dragging there.

It's enough of a rabbit hole as it is.

As I live the last section of my life, I am content with what exists.  Maybe that old dog just didn't feel like learning any new tricks.

For today, at least, neither do I.


  1. I've noticed my iPhone gets hot at times. Terry says it's the battery. It may be time to get a new phone. No, says the person who does believe you have to keep up with the technology. I'll have to learn new things and redo all my apps and their passwords. I feel similarly about a new car for this very reason. I like my old "tricks." This makes me weep for the person who was always ready to update and get the newest technology when teaching.

  2. I know. I know. I was never one to lag behind, but the older I get the more reluctant I am to change. I did not anticipate this.

  3. Oh how I totally agree - I don't want to learn any new tricks either! It's enough at age 74 to keep up with the old ones!

  4. Agreed. The so called "new and improved" usually isn't and a lot of the new stuff is stuff I don't need.

  5. My husband will only use a flip phone. Luckily, Jitterbug still offers one. He's 77.

    1. TBG finally got a smart phone when Samsung told him that his old flip phone WHICH IS JUST FINE THANK YOU was no longer supported . He hates the new one.


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