Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Anniversary to Us

49 years ago, TBG and I were driving away on our honeymoon.

That's a lot of years ago. t

The honeymoon car, Tars Tarkas, was a giant, green, used Pontiac with oversized shocks on the front (it's a long story).  Brother and others attached cans to the bumper and wrote appropriate slogans on the windows which drove TBG crazy and which I just adored.  

Over the years we've had forty-some cars, cars by Ford and Chevrolet, Honda and Mercedes, BMW and Ferrari, Porsche and Audi, with a random, quite unsatisfactory, Toyota thrown in just because. It wasn't quite G'ma's the ashtrays are dirty so you got a new car?..... but it was close.

Just shy of a half century later, we're driving eight year old, new to us, still in great shape vehicles that, like our marriage, just feel right.  

There's nothing I'd take in trade.  


  1. Wow! That's a lot of cars. We will celebrate our 50th anniversary in February and we have had 5 cars. Terry is driving a 30 year old Mazda and I'm driving my 20 year old Subaru. We've talked about a new car, but neither of us can find anything we like. We are so set in our ways! I'm taking the Subaru to be washed and waxed later this morning.

  2. Happy Anniversary from The Cheeses, and here's to many more. xoxo

  3. Happy Anniversary!
    That's a lot of cars, and pricy ones too. Guess you just liked fancy, shiny new cars. Fine if you can afford them, which I guess you could.

    1. Some buy art. Some take European vacations. TBG bought fancy cars and drove us everywhere. For the most part, the fanciest cars didn't lose much value when we sold them/ traded them in, and sometimes they even made us $$$.


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