Friday, August 23, 2024

DNC's Finale

There was laughter and there were tears.  There was an apology.  There was inspiration and there was love.  

I missed the memo about wearing white.  Apparently, the DNC texted the delegates about honoring the women's suffrage movement in that way.... and I was left wondering whether I would have packed anything white.

After Pink and her daughter, after gun violence survivors and Gabby Giffords (continuing to inspire after all these years), after Mark Kelly

My Congressman, Ruben Gallego, stood up for his fellow service members surrounded by veterans who happened to be Democratic elected officials.  The Big Gretch stared right into the camera and painted that man from Mar A Lago as an out of touch crazy person.  Eva Longoria worked at Wendy's... and look at us now.

Adam Kinzinger told his fellow Republicans you should be here, too.  He called out the vain, fragile. weak, weirdly obsessed with Putin person who was bent on destroying our democracy.  He's an A player, for sure.

Maya Harris is very proud of her big sister.  Roy Cooper is proud to call her a friend.  

The audience couldn't stop clapping and calling her name.  Ella and Doug were just a little teary.... just a little.

She started with The Golden Rule. 

Everyone has a right to dignity, to safety, and to justice. 

A harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us.  

After a litany of her opponent's sins, there was this - Simply put, they are out of their minds.

There was policy and there were promises, but her mother's advice seemed to encapsulate it for me -Don't do anything half assed.

There were too many balloons.  That's about the only complaint I can conjure up.  

Day 4 did not disappoint.  The party's over.  We are now free to enjoy our evenings in other ways.  

The End.


  1. It was a great evening, Madam Vice President knocked it out of the park. With any luck she just might have broken the Orange man last night!

    1. She looked so presidential, so in charge, such a boss. He's got to be quaking.

  2. "Kamala Harris, for the people." That summed it up quite nicely.

    1. Me, too! It gave me shivers every time they said it. She takes her life seriously, and she's running against "an unserious man"

  3. Yep, too many balloons, but never too much JOY! It was a wonderful, heartwarming, inspiring convention. Tom and I are looking for a way to "get busy".

    1. I'm going to do another postcard party and see about registering voters.


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