Thursday, August 1, 2024

Is Everybody Happier?

It sure seems that way, especially here in the desert Southwest.  

Sister reports that New Jersey Democrats are pissed off about this and angry about that and nobody knows anything about Kamala and that means she must be awful, but that's suburban New York City people who need a gripe to get through the day.  Peeved is their natural state.  So be it.

For the rest of us, though, it's as if we've taken a collective deep breath and then slowly, with gathering enthusiasm, have expelled it with a smile.

It's so wonderful to hear a message of hope instead of hate.  It's equally wonderful to be enthusiastic about the herald. 

She is out loud, front and center, about my main issues - reproductive rights and gun safety.  She has evolved as a candidate, and I have to admire a person who, in reconfiguring the way she presents herself to the public, has become more genuine, more relatable, more fun in an I wanna hang out with this woman way.  

She's not letting her opponent set the agenda.  She's sticking to a campaign touting freedom versus dictatorship, speaking at length about the freedoms she will help to secure and mentioning the black hole of despair painted by the Republicans only in passing.  Going forward, not going back is a good message.  That very full stadium on Atlanta filled my heart.

I now think that there may be persuadable people on the other side.  I have some statistics saved on my phone. I'm hosting a postcard party.  I'm doing it all with a smile on my face, not my grudging I better do this or else even though I don't like her very much attitude when HRC ran.

She didn't wow me as a primary candidate, except when she took on Joe Biden on busing at the debate.  She has carried that fire with her in this Presidential run, and it's delightful to behold.  Chiding The Cowardly Lyin' (I couldn't resist) with Donald, tell it to my face is right up there with the whole those people are weird meme.

I like some joy with my politics.  

To answer my own question, I, for one, am happier.


  1. Although the world here in California is tilting in weird directions--homeless, forest fires, terrible drivers, even the local art hop is being dissected, I feel better about the presidential race. Kamala Harris is the perfect match for that other weird guy out there. Oh, he sent his #2 minion to Coalinga, here on our west side, where the big cattle ranches dominate the scene. All Republicans. I think it turned out to be quite a crazy day for the Appalachian. I'm thinking California will not be his strong suit.

  2. The orange one was completely outwitted (although that's a low bar) by Mr Biden passing the torch to Ms Harris. He doesn't know how to deal with her so he's now resorting to what he knows best, outright racism and misogyny. I have hope now. She's got fire and momentum.

  3. Yes, I am much happier. Poor old donald doesn't know what to do now, and what he is doing and saying will sink his own boat.

    1. I am so hopeful that his words will rile up those who haven't decided to get behind the current VP. The language is such to do just that, but then it may make his current supporters dig in deeper.


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