Monday, August 5, 2024

Back in the Saddle, Again

Amster has a new trainer.  Did I want to join her on Sunday morning? a

Lifting weights was the beginning of our friendship.  We kept at it, together, in the gym, regularly then sporadically, for nearly two decades.  Work and COVID and hip and knee replacements got in the way, but we always held on to the notion that we lifted weights together.

It was our thing.  I think it might be once again.  

Her trainer is a world champion power lifter.  His medals hang from hooks on the walls and the supporting posts and above the mirrors in his no frills gym.  There are low fans and peppy music but nothing else is electrified.  There are no fancy monitors blinking results.  

There are hand weights and bar bells and elastic bands wrapped around the posts supporting the ceiling.  There is a pull down machine and a leg extension set up with a seat but no back. 

The decor is classic lifter.  

We stretched the specific areas we'd be torturing, then moved between three exercises, separated by a water break before we repeated the same three exercises again.... and then again. He kept track of our repetitions and was conscientious about the amount of weight we were moving.  

There was core work that made me happy to have stayed with Pilates, more stretching, and then we were done.  It felt damn good to keep up with my 20 years younger friend, I gotta say.

Right now, hours later, it feels good in that sore-from-working-out way.  Whether I'll be able to lift my arms above my head tomorrow remains to be seen..... and that's a good problem to worry about.


  1. Good for you. Keep lifting those weights. I've realized that I can do the things I do because every morning I do the exercises I do. I see others, our age, who struggle with balance issues and can't walk or stand for long periods. We went to dinner the other evening with our kids, and as usual, I park as far out in the parking lot that I can. The other grandma, 6 years younger, arrived and parked right in front of the restaurant. When we got ready to leave, she made a comment about not seeing our cars. True, you'd have to look across the parking lot to see us out in the open space.

    1. The best part about my hip replacement is that I can now park in those shady spaces at the far end of the parking lot.... it's the mark of a true Tucsonan to be willing to walk through the heat to park in the shade :-)

  2. I have been using 5 lb weights 3 times a week but I backed of due to shoulder pain. I want to be able to keep doing the weights for upper body strength. Frustrating. The pain is not from the weight exercise.

    1. Grrrr.... the mind is willing but the flesh is weak.... I get it.


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