Friday, August 16, 2024

One Word

I feel like I'm getting my country back, day by day.  I used to feel part of a shrinking minority - regular people who wanted regular things - and suddenly I'm finding out that there are lots of Republicans for Harris.  And Evangelical Christians for Harris.  And Deadheads for Harris.

Corey Lewandowski rejoining the Republican campaign is being reported with disdain, not fawning interviews.  There was little to no coverage of the rambling nonsense outside Bedminster Country Club this afternoon, although there were many ironic shots of the man standing next to grocery products on a folding table in front of the majestic doors none of his flock could ever afford to enter. 

I feel a gentle swing away from the fetishizing of his absurdities; the talking heads refer to him as boring. As America discovers what he's planning,  thanks to the Democrats' drip-drip-dripping Project 2025 details into the mainstream, the moral arc of the universe seems to be bending back towards the good.  

Of course, he knows nothing about it and disagrees with some of it.  That this is a recurring theme on the admittedly biased tv in our house makes me very happy.  

It took Tim Walz to announce that the Emperor has no clothes.  And all it took was one word.

Because it's true, the bully is weird, and calling him on it is guaranteed to diminish him.


  1. It has taken too damn long, but it is finally happening. People are starting to see him for what he is, a narcissistic psychopath who cares only for himself. Even the media are starting to cover how disturbed and ill he is, in my opinion it has taken way too long for them to stop normalizing his abhorrent behavior, but my sense is that it is starting to happen. About damn time!! One final thing, that "press conference" or whatever that hot mess was yesterday did not help him at all. Showed clearly how diminished he has become.

    1. George Coway's Anti Psychopath PAC is my favorite example of all of this.

    2. George's comments on that lunatic are pure gold.

    3. There’s bound to be a media goldmine in the story of Kellyanne and George…three books: hers, his, and the family therapist’s; movie and stage play scripts; a twenty-sixties “All In The Family” style television series; and whatever brand new entertainment medium the future produces. Most surrealistic family story in history as another chapter writes itself.
      Meanwhile, I’m reminded of That One’s prediction on Covid-19. One day it will just disappear.

    4. Would that He would just disappear. Miss you.

  2. He is weird, but more. At breakfast this morning i called him crazy. I think he has gone over the edge, jumped the shark. And the world is seeing it.


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