Tuesday, August 13, 2024


The flame was medium high under the pot on the cooktop.  

The contents were ready. My right hand grabbed the nearest handle... the uninsulated, heat conducting handle.

Much language ensued. 

Cold water was applied, then I harvested an aloe leaf 

and applied lots of it all over my bright red digits, one of which is represented here.
I had planned a different post but my right hand is operating at less than full strength and it's hard to keep the aloe in place and type at the same time.

We'll talk more tomorrow.  Right now, I'm going to tend to my aloe.


  1. Smart to apply the aloe plant. My mom kept them for just a purpose. I grab an ice cube. Hope you are back to all digits in quick time.

    1. I caught it quickly and I'm all better this morning!


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!