Thursday, August 22, 2024

Day 3 of the DNC

Sister wants me to be sure to watch her candidate at 8:30 New Jersey time.  Seems like I'm not the only one in the family who's glued to the coverage.  

Cory Booker introduced the parents of a 23 year old Chicagoan held hostage in Gaza.  The room was silent and tearful and so were TBG and I.  This is not a political issue.  There are no winners when everyone is suffering. 

Voting is my black job read the pin on a Minnesotan.  

Stevie Wonder was Stevie Wonder, and I paused in the dinner prep to dance around a little.  Cory Booker said that the VIP's backstage were getting down, too.  

The Capitol Police officers were heartbreaking and inspiring and Sister's guy is Rep. Andy Kim who picked up a trash bag and got to work after the insurrectionists were ousted.  The ad outlining the January 6th debacle was devastating.  I sighed, knowing that it won't make much of a difference to the MAGA crowd.  

Bro, we broke up with you for a reason was Hakeem Jeffries big line during a litany of sins ending with we are never getting back together.  Then he moved on to the GOTV part of his remarks, promising Joy in the morning if we all got to work.

Bill Clinton has good hair.  He admitted to being old, but at 78 I'm still younger than DJT. 

Kamala would be the only President to have spent more time at McDonalds than I did.  

Don't count the lies.  Count the I's.  

The man may be old, with a tremor in his fingers and a quavering voice, but he can hold a crowd and make a point and leave 'em laughing.  

Nancy Pelosi is six years older than Bill and comports herself as ten years younger.  She's a professional politician and that was on full display.... along with her disgust over January 6th.  

Kamala's niece and nephew and godson were adorable.  The California congressional candidate did a lot of yelling that seemed to energize the crowd but made us turn down the volume. Her brother in law thinks she is swell.  

Nevada's Latina Senator and Pennsylvania's Jewish governor..... just typing that made me stop for a while and think about what an amazing idea America is.  Democracy is not a spectator sport was on a t-shirt; this convention never misses an opportunity to talk about the work ahead. 

Amanda Gorman is fabulous.  The American dream is a dare... to dream together.

Oprah really likes America and the audience loved Oprah.  They liked Wes Moore, but not as much.

I love Pete, always have, always will.  He's realistic and optimistic and though he looks sort of ridiculous rallying the crowd by waving his arms and shouting, his message is crystal clear - his life was impossible 25 years ago.  We won't go back.

John Legend was awesome... at 11pm on the East Coast.  Auntie M is staying up much later than usual.

Amy Klobuchar's introduction of Tim Walz reminded me how much I like her..... and then his state champion football players came out on stage and all hell broke loose.  A video confirmed Tim Walz's midwestern, middle class, good neighbor credentials and his remarks were further proof.  

While they were banishing books in their schools, we were busy providing breakfast and lunch to every school kid.

It's pretty amazing that somebody's next door neighbor is the Democrats' nominee for VP.  There were a lot of people hugging him on stage when he finished; who they were remains a mystery, even to the MSNBC reporter who talked to them.  They seemed remarkably normal.

The pep talk left the audience dancing and cheering.  TBG and I were smiling. 

Day 3 went very well.


  1. Another uplifting and terrific night from the convention. Way past our bedtime here in the EST zone, but we will do it again tonight for Harris.

    1. The main advantage of living westerly is that we were still awake and ready to party after it was over.

  2. Walz really nailed it last night! Great speech!

    1. I love him. Tax cuts and free school food.. what's not to like?

  3. I had to go look up Nancy Pelosi's age. She is sure doing better than Bill Clinton. Of course, she also knew to keep her remarks short. Clinton is like many who I had to tell when they would come speak to high school students--no one really wants to listen to you for more than 5 minutes. Keep it short, precise, and sit down.

  4. I'll just second everything you said. I am now finally in my recliner after a busy day. It's almost 5:00 Pacific time.. We'll watch to the end on MSNBC. We grin a lot and smile a lot and cheer now and then. We are old, 80 and 82, and we are so happy to have hope.

  5. What a deep bench the Dems have! If we’re looking at Kamala’s Cabinet onstage, glory be!


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