Monday, August 12, 2024

Doing Our Part

MoveOn! sent all the stuff.  All I had to do was provide the people.  

Postcards with pre-printed postage and addresses; brand new ball point pens; instructions that were somewhat comical;
and three giant lawn signs.
I made brownies and cookies and ice tea.  I put out small paper plates and Day of the Dead cocktail napkins.  I invited people TBG and I care about . 

Sunday afternoon we spent about 90 minutes penning personal notes in tiny spaces addressed to surge voters....whatever they are.  The interwebs are conflicted when it comes to a definition but it's how the addressees were identified in the (somewhat comical) instructions.

It was a chance to say that voters have the power to protect reproductive rights (the art on the postcards) and the planet and our democracy by casting their ballots for Harris/Walz (everybody wanted to put a T in there at first) this Fall.  Your Vote is Your Voice was my go-to phrase when my wrist and brain were telling me to take a break.  

It was fun to be together with friends on a Sunday afternoon and do something other than watch sports on tv.  It felt good to do something tangible to create change.  TBG thanked me for making it happen; it was doing something positive instead of hoping for the best from the comfort of our couch.  

He had only one complaint.  The instructions were pretty clear that he shouldn't write what he really wanted to say:
    If you don't vote and Donald Trump wins - it will be your fault. 


  1. I like what he wanted to say too.
    Thank you for doing this.

    1. He's still peeved!
      You are welcome. We each do what we can, when we can.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!