Thursday, December 15, 2016

Rust-Oleum, SIR, and a Gift Gone Wrong

We were really happy back in October.  TBG and I bought the supplies and SIR was delighted to have a project. Happy Anniversary!  Happy New House!

  Before he installed the reclaimed and refurbished cabinets and taped and mudded ("It's really an art that takes time to master.") and painted the walls (the exact right shade of white) and installed the lights and panels and whatnots that make this space worthy of FlapJilly's description: 
Daddy's Garage...

Before he could move his most needed tools off the dining room table and onto the work bench and the pegboard......

Before the Beer 'Fridge could get out of the way of everything and come to rest in the perfect spot...

........ the floor had to be refinished.

He sanded.  He swept.  He cleaned.  He re-sanded the rough spots.  He made sure the surface was pristine.   
He did everything the directions told him to do, in just the same order they recommended. 

These pictures are what happened.
Splotches do not belong in Daddy's Garage.
Nor do white streaks or brown blobs.
And did you notice the pitting.
Yes, denizens, those are holes.  
Holes with rough edges do not belong in Daddy's Garage.
It may look like freckles, but it's imperfection after imperfection and it does not belong in Daddy's Garage.

And, if that weren't enough, the measurements he took (again, according to their plan) left him with half the floor uncovered.  He was reluctant to tell me that he paid for the rest himself; after all, it was a gift and he's not ungrateful.  

But, it's hard to hide the garage floor when the in-laws come to visit.  We saw the sparkles (lovely) and the holes (unwanted) and the streaks (distasteful) and the blob (just ugly) and the uneven coverage and the splotchy streaks so in the vein of and second prize is TWO weeks in Philadelphia  he laughed and told me that not only did the product suck and the results disappoint him but there wasn't enough and he had to buy more to finish the job.
Home Depot asked me to review the product.
I linked to this post. 

Hello, Home Depot people!

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