Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Protest

Nothing political to see here, folks.  It's my annual rant about school starting in the middle of summer.

Local school districts begin classes on August 1st and then every few days after that.  Our district's first day is August 7th, which means I'll be delivering sweet treats to all the buildings one week from today, August 6th.

It's just not right.  

There are all the practical reasons, like cutting into summer camp time and resorts not having worker bees because the kids are all in school before Labor Day.  But my reasons are personal, though I imagine if people gave it any thought they just might be universal truths.

I like to take a walk on a hot and still August afternoon, going nowhere, slowly, feeling time moving slowly, too.  It's summer at its ripest.  Responsibilities exist out there on the horizon, but nothing requires immediate attention except keeping myself and those around me alive.  I feel stress oozing down and out through my shoes, into the sidewalk, out into the ether.  It's a yearly cleansing ritual, like spring cleaning for my soul.

I'm going to have to hurry up and do it if I want it to have a summertime vibe.  

And that's not right.  School should start the Wednesday after Labor Day (giving you the weekend to play and Tuesday to get organized for the year ahead) and right now should be the very middle of my summer vacation.

I protest.


  1. I agree completely with you! Well, maybe except for that August afternoon walk part. For just one year my boys had three entire months off - school ended in May (which it still does up here in Prescott) and didn't start again until after Labor Day (no longer true, we're also an early August start.)

    1. Public school ended in mid-May, but private high school started in September. It was a great long summer for me, though the kids began missing their friends who started early.

  2. I hear your protest. However, (you knew there was however coming), more school days have been added to the calendar as there are more things to learn than when we were in school. Also, so many children live in homes where both parents work and they need a safe, cool, spot where they are fed. Again, so much different than when we were in school.

    I grew up in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley where school didn't start until the grapes were all picked because the students were needed in the vineyards, picking grapes, rolling trays (raisins) and all-round help to bring in the harvest for the family's survival. Not this student, though. We grew cotton and I was a terrible farmhand. My parents always said, you must go to school and get a good education and work indoors. I did.

    1. I'm all for year round school - 10 week quarters with the remaining 12 weeks divided up around major holidays and local events. Sending our kids out into the triple digits in mid-May just seems cruel.
      I know the kids in Fresno are glad you got that degree!

  3. Well, here in the great state of Washington, school does start after Labor Day. When it doesn't, kids don't show up anyway. People still have vacations to complete and playing to do.

    1. This is the best reason to move to Washington State I've ever heard!


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