Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Second Half (and more)

The Kansas City Chiefs may not have as deep a bench as the 49'ers' but they do have Patrick Mahomes.

San Francisco kicked a field goal.  KC scored a touchdown.  The last man drafted took is team into overtime, but lost to a once in a generation talent.

It's hard to feel too sad.
Queen T went all out in the decor for their first Super Bowl Party.  There were babies and sports fans and many, many balloons.  And there was this:
I'd say she wins for creative presentation.
The sun was shining and the air was crisp and clean after some night time  rain.  There's still snow on the Pusch Ridge, even on the west facing slopes.  Long sleeves keep me warm enough, though sometimes a long cotton scarf needs to wrap around my neck for perfect comfort.

Tomorrow morning, Taos Bubbe and I will be doing yoga outside at Tohono Chul Botanical Garden.

Yes, I'm reveling in being outdoors in February without special equipment.
Grandma's Garden is fecund.

Radishes.  Lettuces.  Scallions.  

We had salad on the fly, harvested from our garden and our buckets and cut with Grandma's garden shears into tiny pieces so everyone could have a taste.

We also introduced those new to the garden to scallions, and their super power - extreme bad breath.

It was a good day.


  1. Wow! on that party food. Impressive.
    It was a good game, and both quarterbacks are pretty special. Mahomes will be historic.

    1. Queen T lays an impressive spread. She decorated the bowl of mashed potatoes into a ridged masterpiece with a radish rose inthe center.... the first time I met her. My son has good taste!

  2. Zowie on the game-day feast presentation! In my younger days, when I used to occasionally be sitting at a bar table, we used to play something we called matchbook football: two opponents on opposite sides of the (empty) "playing field"; a matchbook lying flat on it; teams take turns tapping the matchbook towards the other team's side; an overhanging matchbook = touchdown; whereupon you got to "kick" a field-goal attempt by standing the matchbook on end and flicking it up into the air towards the opponents two-thumbs-up "goalpost." All those details provided solely because I suddenly imagined playing matchbook football with, say, a Dorito instead of a matchbook.

    1. We play with salt or pepper shakers, zooming them across the table within a thumbs reach of the edge is 1 point, a hanger is 6 points.
      Silliness abounds!


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