Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Happy BIrthday to Me


Little Cuter says I am not elderly, not in my 70's.  Mid-eighties might be another story..... but why go there right now?  

John Steinbeck, Elizabeth Taylor, a favorite cousin, and I all share this birthdate.  It comes at a lull in the holiday calendar and right in the middle of the snowbirds' season.  Many friends come to town; I consider them all birthday gifts.

We'll go to dinner with the usual suspects at a 40 year old Italian restaurant none of us have ever tried.  It has unlimited garlic bread.  Elastic waist pants will be in order.

I've had ecards and physical cards and pre-birthday texts.  I'll go to Prince tomorrow and get some birthday hugs (these things have a way of becomng known, it seems) after a birthday breakfast with Taos Bubbe.  

72 is starting out quite well.


  1. Facebook told me this morning that it is YOUR day. Happy Happy Birthday!. Seventy two will be a good year, I just feel it, as I too celebrate that number later in the year. We are not elderly, just older, and I hope, wiser. One of the first graders asked two weeks ago if I was in school when the dinosaurs became extinct. Not quite. They left before I arrived.

  2. Happy Birthday! 72 is young! Now I am approaching 80 and I'm thinking elderly. It doesn't help that my body is acting so old.
    Celebrate yourself well.

  3. Happy Birthday! May this be the year Spelling Bee publishes your photography!


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