Monday, July 9, 2018

Gramma's In Town

There were so many adventures this weekend.
Taking a nearly 4 year old to the park is much more fun than taking a toddler. She climbs and hangs and gets up and down without any help at all, thank you very much. 

She understands how to properly propel her swing, going faster then slower, then "just the same as you, Gramma." We catered s the wind blew our hair, as the sun got in our eyes then went away.  We talked about friends and pre-school and Grandpa. They were real conversations, another difference that made me smile.

There was beauty shop and Barnes and Opal. The polish might have been a little smeary.... okay, maybe a lot smeary... but none got on the table. We were quite glamorous in the book store, collecting some Fancy Nancy's and Disney's Tangled before she played on the plastic frogs and domes in the mall. There was no time for conversation on the car; she was too busy reading.
But the big adventure was tie dying.
Pregnant mommies have trouble sitting in the ground, but "ya gotta do what ya gotta do."
The shirts are fabulous, and worthy of their own post. My daughter's hands are a lovely shade of blue after rinsing out the excess dye.
And now all four of us have colorful additions to our wardrobes.

I'm exhausted.
I'm delighted.
I'm here. 

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