Friday, October 30, 2015

Can You Believe the Cute?

Yoda and a strawberry joined our bumble bee at the library for story time yesterday.
It was the grandest collection of adorable I've seen in a long time.

FlapJilly was in heaven - all those books ready to be pulled off the shelves.
Grandpa was on the floor, but he wasn't chasing after her.
The antennae were annoying.
The librarian was a saguaro.... how did she know that we were coming?
There was singing and reading and dancing and controlled chaos and I'm still smiling.

We'll be home this weekend, and I'll be able to think about Republicans yelling at ridiculous questions, about Cubbies losing four in a row, about watching West Wing from the pilot episode.

For now, though, I'm going downstairs to hug the baby.

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