Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ready for Some Comic Relief?

The Supreme Court dallies, the war against women continues, and the sun waited to come out from behind the low, light grey clouds until just after 5pm.  I was in need of a smile, and the talking heads on MSNBC were up to the challenge.


On March 25, Christina Bobb was named the Republican National Committee’s senior counsel for “election integrity .  

Today, less than a month later, she was indicted by Arizona's Attorney General for her role in the fake elector scheme to undermine the integrity of the 2020 election.   

I'm reveling in the irony.


For those not living in the weeds with me, here's Wikipedia's introduction to our next giggle: John Charles Eastman is an American lawyer and academic who has been criminally indicted and recommended for disbarment for attempting to keep then-president Donald Trump in office..  (emphasis added)

Joyce Vance, former US Attorney and current law professor and writer of a wonderful Substack, opined on the sad state of John Eastman's life with this:  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


And finally there was Joy Reid, contemplating the probability that one of the eighteen co-conspirators in Arizona's election interference case would flip on the others:  An indictment certainly clears the mind.


It feels good to laugh, doesn't it?


  1. I limit my exposure to all of this but I appreciate ALL of your sacrasm. I saw the article in my newspapre about the Arizona 12, but I only read enough to see what it was about. Hopefully bad behaviour is catching up to all of T's scroundrels.

    1. I am happy to be your go-to source for sarcasm and criminal trials :-)


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