Tuesday, September 17, 2019

We Are Having Weather

There's nothing half-assed about the Sonoran Desert.
We laughed at the Pac12 announcers during the UofA football game as they talked about the scorching heat of Tucson in the Fall.  Sure, 90 isn't sweater weather, but come back in June if you want scorching.  When we do hot, we do 110.  

And when we do rain, we do small ponds.
The ground can't absorb the water fast enough.
The rain will stop before it can do much good .
Until then, though, it's fun to stand outside and watch .
I'm going to get an ice pack and nurse my shingles vaccinated arm as I listen to the clouds collide.


  1. Here in Seattle, at the other end of the PAC-12, we are beginning to shiver with a too early autumn, too many dark, rainy days.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!