Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Starting The Day Off Right

Bluesky (find me @ClumsyGrammy - Giblet's moniker for me) was awash in the end of democracy.  I'm still surprised at the unconstitutionality of FFOTUS' Executive Orders; why, I do not know. There was ranting and raving from the usual suspects,  most aimed at the White House,  but many targeting the  feckless Democrats who refuse to do more than send angry letters upstream. 

There was a script to use when calling one's elected officials.  I dialed Juan Ciscomani's Tucson office and read it to Brendan,  the lovely gentleman who answered the phone.  He said the Congressman had called the White House,  "sent a Q &A" requesting information,  and reassured me that Social Security,  Medicare,  Medicaid, SNAP, and Pell Grants were still operational. Further research found that to be marginally accurate but I didn't have all the information at the time so couldn't refute it. 

I wondered if the Congressman was concerned about those who use Meals on Wheels. Starving lonely seniors didn't sit right with me.  I reiterated my larger point - the fact that the House, not the Executive, holds the nation's purse strings.  It's Civic 101.  Was the Congressman concerned about that? 

He had no answer.  I thanked him, hung up the phone (a phrase with no meaning any more except for those of us still clinging to our landlines), and turned to my messages. 

There was JannyLou, claiming to be unable to insulate herself from the barrage. I could have texted back,  but I clicked on the phone icon instead. 

We laughed.  We cried. We howled at the wind.  

We ended by agreeing that we were now fortified to give the outside world a chance. 

It was a much better way to start the day. 


  1. People who blame the Democrats don't understand how our system operates. The Rs won a majority in the WH, Senate and House. All the elected Dems can do is howl, plot strategies and hope he burns himself out. Unless, of course, the people complaining want our elected representatives to themselves carry out an insurrection. And then, are we better than the Rs?

    1. How about appearing on local news and explaining the civics, organizing loud and large demonstrations on the Capitol steps, inviting constituents to visit the offices of their representatives to ask real questio
      ns? Democrats leading voters to Republicans ' offices, capturing video and posting it (remember those women chasing them into an elevator?). Saul Alinsky fed people chili with beans and then took them to opening night at the opera... they were certainly noticed).
      AOC gets it. The rest of them are stuck in legacy media.
      Being polite doesn't cut it anymore. Show up at a pharmacist with someone facing $300 insulin once more. See next post for more.

  2. I am grounded, reclining in my chair with my feet way up in the air, after seeing my PT therapist for the first time since my knee replacement last Friday. " I have never seen such a swollen leg," she said. I have until Friday afternoon to get it reduced. I am allowed up five minutes out of the hour. I have to ice, ice, ice, and eat and sleep and read and TRY to type on my lap top. I have way too much time to read the newspaper, a real paper paper, and learn T's latest atrocities. From whence cometh our help?

    1. Right now your only job is to HEAL. Rest. Ice. Recline except for bathroom breaks. All your energies go to reducing the swelling and healing the repair.
      I'll keep you posted on the revolution :-) For the immediate future, it's not your concern.
      With hugs from a fellow recover-ee


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