Monday, January 27, 2025

Better Late Than Never

The day got away from me.  Actually, two days sped by without my paying much attention to anything except my expanded family.

1440 has replaced the NYTimes and WaPo as my early morning news fix.  It's fact based information curated by humans, not an algorithm.  This morning it told me that Colombia, like Mexico, was refusing to allow FFOTUS's deportation airplane to land.  A mini tariff squabble ensued.  There were links to follow for a deeper dive, but I'm trying to limit my doom scrolling.

It also mentioned that an alcoholic, serial abuser was confirmed as Secretary of Defense.  I certainly avoided those links.

Instead, I went downstairs to hug the babies.  I invite to you to pretend and do the same:



  1. Yes, hugging babies is the best anecdote to what ails us. Or, in my case, cuddling with the cats on the couch.

  2. Hugging babies is way better than watching this horror show unfold.

  3. I don't have a baby to hug or a dog or cat, but I make sure I hug my husband often. We are both paying attention to the news, but then we move on. Actually we both have a full time job caring for me as I recover for my knee surgery of last Friday.

    1. Best of luck on your recovery! I've had three surgeries on the same knee so I certainly understand what you mean about the recovery being a full time job!

    2. That rehab is so hard. Hope the result is worth the agony.

  4. That's such a precious photo of your grandchildren! I appreciate seeing this type of photo to help elevate my mood too.

    1. There's so much love inside this house. Too bad I have to go outside.


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