I was free to meet and greet, to play dreidle, and to watch the lights.
I looked around the room and smiled at the diverse circle my Iowa born friend has accumulated. There were Jews from Arizona, and one from Argentina, and several others from the East Coast. They were the sprinkles on top of the agnostics and the practicing and non-practicing Christians of all stripes - there weren't many of them, but they made their presence known, and I was grateful for them. After all, the dreidle is not self-explanatory.
There was the quintessential American side dish - green bean and Campbell's mushroom soup casserole, topped with tiny fried onions - next to the turkey and the latkes and the home made applesauce. There were jelly donuts and bakery cookies and Amster's Rice Krispy treats which flew off the table as fast as the latkes.
I really shouldn't, but....... seemed to be the theme around the buffet table. That made me smile.

Surrounded by Amster's Christmas decor, I told the story. It's a good story, with elephants and battles and magic and faith and science, and, like all good stories, it starts with Once upon a time......
We chanted the prayers that have been chanted for generations, and sang the songs our parents taught us. There were full bellies and warm hearts, celebrating and sharing and questioning and thinking and it was just an absolutely wonderful night.
And no, I don't know why it took 8 days to make the oil.
Hanukah is a pretty holiday, the lights drive away the dark. Green bean casserole is just the best, I heard on the radio that it accounts for about half the sales of cream of mushroom soup.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a light filled respite from the darkest days of the year :-)
DeleteAs for green bean casserole, it's not one of my 10 Best Side Dishes