Monday, February 3, 2025

Rest In Peace, Thomas the Wonder Dog

He lived 15 years with his adoptive family, loving SIR and Little Cuter first, then adding FlapJilly and Giblet as they came along.  He accepted TBG as his Grandpa, trotting over to him, leash in mouth and tail wagging, as we put down our suitcases in the hall.  My husband didn't need a dog of his own; he had his Grand Dog.

He was the fastest, smartest, strongest fellow, routinely being asked to retrieve balls for owners whose own pets were unable to swim that far.  

He was the most patient and kind and loving pooch.  His periscope tail left him exposed to FlapJilly's Baby Proctologist forefinger.  We stopped it just barely in time, but he didn't flinch.  The kids perched headphones precariously over his ears and he shrugged and went along with it.  

He was alert to every intruder in the area, barking sonorously at bicycles and other dogs and random trucks and cars.  They didn't need an alarm; they had Thomas.  

His snuggles are legendary.  

His eyes burned a loving memory in our hearts.  

He was finished with this world, which was so lucky to have him for such a lovely long time.

Rest In Peace.


  1. It sounds like he lived a long and lovely life.

  2. My condolences to you and your family. Losing a pet, no matter how long you have them with you, is just HARD.

  3. "Baby Proctologist Forefinger"!! I'm still laughing. RIP Thomas, you won the human lottery, you've had a great life and provided much joy to them. RIP

    1. Oh, she was headed right there with intensity and intention! We were laughing so hard ....

  4. Sweet tribute to a beloved pet.
    And now, at an early age, those grands will be learning of loss at the end of the cycle of life. My condolences.

    1. Their parents are walking them through it, age appropriately and as deeply as they want to go. I'm so impressed with their parents.

  5. RIP, Thomas. May you cross the Rainbow Bridge after providing so much love and companionship to your humans.


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