As Laura said of me, From Bill Barr's mouth to God's ear.
Bill Barr is another spineless sycophant, swirling around the vortex, creating chaos (cf his misrepresentation of the Mueller Report) and advancing his own version of the narrative. That version reflects what's palatable to what he thinks is the winning-at-the-moment side.
I suppose, then, that I should be glad that Barr went on Fox this weekend and said that if the DOJ can prove even one of the crimes in the indictment brought against the lying liar, He's toast.
I'm not sure it will be hard to do.
The indictment starts by pointing out that just because you once worked there doesn't mean that you get to keep the stuff you read there. (Charges 4 and 37) And it certainly doesn't mean that you can take that stuff home to your bathroom (no matter how ornate the chandelier - Charge 28).
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nor leave boxes of it, unattended, on a stage. (Charge 25) It's against the law.
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Why? Because, as the indictment goes on to tell us, he didn't just take what c
ould be construed as personal mementoes (cf his love letters to and from autocrats around the world.....
which aren't his, anyway.
He took national security documents. Geo-spatial data, nuclear capability data, troop deployments, Eyes Only documents, and more - all of it very valuable to our enemies and very dangerous for the stability of our nation and the world. (Charge 3)
The lying liar doesn't seem to be a sentimental sort, nor one who'd be interested researching the minutiae of governance or history. Bragging rights while thumbing his nose at The Man (Charge 34) seems like a small upside when compared to the downside - decades in prison. People go to prison for much less egregious violations of the Espionage Act.
So, why? And why hide them and lie about them and get yourself into real serious trouble? Just like in Watergate, I think you've got to follow the money.
There's public, small dollar, Twitter fueled fundraising.
Then there's private, extra-legal fundraising - selling your nation's most sensitive secrets to the highest bidder.
He's not been charged with setting up a marketplace. But Charge 41 shows him to be very interested in the contents of those boxes.
He went through them, the ones he tried to get his lawyer to say didn't exit. Taking our stuff and lying about it, that's Charge 54c.
He told people, on tape, that he couldn't show them the document he was waving in front of their faces because it was secret and he couldn't de-classify it any more. Knowledge of the crime and putting the lie to his irrelevant I declassified it nonsense is in Charges 34 and 35.
And, my very favorite charge of all, Charge 54a, where the real petulant child emerges, the real reason he's in deep doo-doo right now.
I don't want anybody looking, I don't want anybody looking through my boxes, I really don't, I don't want you looking through my boxes.
His brain cannot accept the fact that he can't just do what he wants. Never could. Never will. The only way to stop him is to keep him away from the Presidency forever. Since the Republican party has largely fallen into the witch hunt mire, that starts and ends at the ballot box.
I have confidence in the American voter, Still, just in case, DOJ should change that pesky rule about not prosecuting a sitting president.
It seems like he's toast, sure,
Still, just in case.