Friday, June 23, 2023

It's The Weekend

We're watching Stewart Granger movies, starting with The Prisoner of Zenda (a scene for scene recreation of the original).

We are in sports deprivation season, the time when the Tour de France is TBG's only opportunity to watch grown ups participate in sports. 

If we lived closer, we'd be spending time at the softball field, watching what could end up in six games on the way to a state championship and a trip to Regionals in Kentucky..

Instead, we'll rely on our favorite photographer/wife of the coach/mother of the player for updates, and consider taking a trip to the Bluegrass State.

Little Cuter and I relived memories of her travel soccer team's trips to Ft. Bragg and Ukiah (twice in 8 days) and Los Gatos.  She told me that a middle school teammate's daughter was now playing on the same field their moms once called home.  

What goes around comes around, in lots of wonderful ways.  I've been smiling about this all day.

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