Thursday, October 17, 2024

Today's Contribution

I took Michelle Obama's DNC call to action to heart.  Every day, I've tried to do something to defeat the crypto-fascist-felon.

Today I took these around town, 

trying to put them into the dry, compacted, rocky, hot dirt at well traveled intersections.  

I used the rubber mallet, but pounding just bent the ends of the frame while making no downward progress at all. 

There were many likely places, but I soon learned to choose those with vegetation.  The roots loosen the soil somewhat.  I was able to set out a few before Grandma's Garden called.  

That's why I still have some in the trunk of the UV.  I'm going to finish the task tomorrow, spreading out my contribution without having to do much thinking.  

Thinking is emotionally dangerous right now.  There is so much at stake.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

And Now, It's Obama

I received an email invitation to submit my details for a possible invitation to a GOTV rally for Kamala and Tim, headlined by President Barack Obama.

My President. 

It took me no time at all to fill out the form and click send.

And then I fell into a funk.  Remembering those Obama years led me straight into the lair of the Lying Liar.

How can people not notice that the man has no moral center.  No one who worked for him will work for him again, and their reasons are chilling.

From there, I spiraled further.

Polls show the race is tied - how can this be?  He tried to over throw the government, and his (I can't bring myself to capitalize it for him) veep choice thinks there was a peaceful transfer of power in 2021.  

He dances with himself on stage for 38 minutes.... an unusually long time in one media outlet's description... and it's not disqualifying. 

He's a proud racist and the polls say young black men are in his corner.

Gov. Walz pulled me out of my last turn down the rabbit hole of despair.  Friday's rally can't come soon enough.  I'm losing my mind.  


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

T-Shirts For Tim

I could comment, but the shirts speak for themselves.

VOTE Tell them Ruth sent you

this woman is fierce!

he got applause

This was how the whole event felt.

Fingers crossed.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Today May Be Daddooooo's Birthday

As I wrote in 2012 and still believe today, it was always confusing.  Was Columbus Day the 12th or was it the 14?  And which was my father's natal day?  I've been mulling this all weekend, celebrating the general time frame, and rereading what I've written about him.

It's been wonderful.

Here they are, if you want to go with me on a Magical Mystery Tour of my relationship with my father.

Friday, October 11, 2024

GOTV With Tim Walz

It was a balmy 98 degrees.  
I parked in the high school's covered lot, walked past the vendors, and waited near the front of the line, in the shade, with tables nearby if we got tired.   Big Cuter, upon seeing this photo, 
was struck by the fact that I was, once again, waiting in line at a political event.  I should have taken pictures of the police and fire and Secret Service people protecting us.  They were ubiquitous.  

Entry to the entrance to the event required presenting the emailed ticket, which was checked to be sure it came to the same person on the picture id I handed over to the nice lady at Table C, who examined both quite closely.  

Down the ramp to the gym door, passing between a row of security on either side, I emptied my pockets and surrendered my small purse to the Secret Service agent on the other side of the table before setting off the metal detector with my bionic hip.  While another Secret Service agent wanded me front and back, I watched as his colleague opened and closed every zipper in my bag.

The same thing was happening on the other side of the lobby.  I felt very safe.  Once I got inside, I felt even safer.

  I had plenty of choices
and plenty of time to look around.  The scoreboard made me smile.  

The VP-To-Be's plane had mechanical issues in Phoenix, so the rally was running late.  No one was leaving.  Everyone was smiling.  There was music from every era; everyone had a chance to sing along.  When a song everyone under a certain age understood meant get up and dance, they got up and danced.
Mariachis from Sunnyside High School kept us occupied for almost an hour.
These kids were poised, polished, and confident.  Their voices filled the room.  There was much singing along.  There was much more gasping at how good they all were.... and how much fun they were having.
Still, there was a lot of down time.  There was also a lot of media.  These two spent quite a while expounding on who knows what.  Politically involved young people ought to be interviewed; I enjoyed watching them enjoy their 15 minutes of fame.
Telemundo was there, too.  
They must have had an early deadline; I took this photo at 2:30 and Tim was still two and a half hours away.

More on Monday.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Arizona for Walz

Tim came to Tucson and I was there to see it.

It was a 7 hour experience and I'm hungry and tired and have no energy to edit the tons of photos I took.  They will appear tomorrow, with verbiage.