Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Happy Birthday, Christina-Taylor

You'd be 23 today.  

No doubt you'd be taller than I am.  

No doubt you'd be doing my little errands because taking care of others was embedded in your soul.  

You'd be excited to vote in your second Presidential Election.  I see you registering 1st time voters who become incapable of refusing your entreaties, because you are still a force of nature.

I see you treasuring FlapJilly and Giblet as your own little faux niece and nephew, because, in your life,  there were never too many people to love.

I ran across a picture of you standing, arms akimbo, staring me down for some long-forgotten reason, at the Reid Park Zoo, on the group tour when you charmed the entire Cornell Club of Southern Arizona with your questions and your enthusiasm.  I laughed through the tears that appeared out of nowhere.  You were a presence, kiddo, an honest to God presence.

I carry you with me, in my heart, every day.  You encourage me and annoy me and laugh at me and you're never far when I need you.  I miss you every day.

(and, it's 9/11, which, for me, somehow, takes second place)


  1. This is lovely, a good reminder for those of us at a distance from such tragedies that these are precious and valued people that we continue to lose to gun violence. Peace be with you.

    1. Many thanks. Her dad's fervent wish was that she not be forgotten. ❤️

  2. A lovely tribute to a wonderful little human that you clearly loved. I wish had the words to comfort, but alas I cannot find them other than to say how sorry I am for your loss.


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