Friday, September 20, 2024

Getting Their Attention

Kamala Harris admits that she has to work to gain the votes of young, black men.  Their support is not taken for granted.  Neither are the Black Women for Harris and White Women for Harris and Cat Ladies for Harris (true) and, TBG and Big Cuter's favorite - White Dudes for Harris.

TBG often comments that as a white male, he is part of a reviled subgroup.  He's not surprised; the misogyny is impossible to ignore.  He is appalled at the waste when 50% of the population is devalued and left to flounder; trust his MBA to color his dismay.  He shakes his head at polls showing white men feeling.... doing.... voting.... 

Women are going to save this world comes out of his mouth on a regular basis.   I offered to make him a hat saying something along the lines of this is a decent white guy.  He declined.

When he heard about White Dudes for Harris his mood changed.  There were others out there.  He had someone speaking out in his voice.   

Today, White Dudes for Harris dropped an ad that had us laughing and nodding and clapping by the end.  It's deeper than the usual vote-for-me-and-not-my-awful-opponent fare.  It's unlike anything I've seen before.

Here it is.

I'm sending it to a few young men I know.


  1. I just love that ad!! Unfortunately, Indiana is a bright red state and never in play, so we don't get many political ads, especially ads like that one. :(

    1. Well, Arizona is inundated. There are ads for the State house, too. The Dems have lots of $$$, it seems

  2. My white dude is hip to the Dem's cause, but then we live in a blue state so he is in good company.


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