Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy Anniversary

Twelve years ago today, I could barely lift my head from the pillow.  Seret warned me that weddings are exhausting; that was why she refused to commit to coming for dinner the Monday after SIR and Little Cuter were married in our backyard.  It was a beautiful setting, and her father and I didn't charge extra for a Saturday night event.   

The weather was perfect.  The officiant (Big Cuter) was outstanding.  The guests were smiling and seemed to be enjoying themselves.  

The police came to enforce the no amplified music after 10pm ordinance.  We turned on the cd player and partied until 4am, Hershey's kisses for energy, and love to fill our hearts.

Now, two children, two houses, several vehicles, and one dog later, she made tacos for dinner and was happy with a text message sharing joy from her mother.  They are as happy (happier?) now as they were then.


  1. Can confirm - happier :)

  2. Life gets busy, as it should, and sometimes celebrations get simple, as they should.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!