Thursday, September 19, 2024

Climate Change

I couldn't live there; I love the change of seasons.

How many times I heard that, how many times I laughed.  Marin has seasons.  Tucson has seasons.  The changes are more subtle than in Chicago, that is certain.  They may not be noticeable to those who don't live with that climate all year long, but they exist.

Yesterday was a good example.  I rolled down the windows in the UV; it was suddenly in the high 80's.  

That's still hot, but it's not triple digit hot.  The sidewalk doesn't radiate heat in the same way when it gets this cool.

Okay, cool may be a relative term, but that's how you recognize that the seasons are changing.  Suddenly, overnight, I'm eyeing my shirts with sleeves instead of the tank tops.  

I walked outside this morning and I was cold.  I'm a total weather wimp.  It was in the high 70's.  

Fall has arrived.... this week, at least.  


  1. I am hopeful that our sizzling high temperatures are over for the season BUT I'm thinking we may have a very wet, cool winter. The squirrels are eating more and faster and have very bushy tails. The spiders webs are covering everything. They are collecting food. We had rain this morning. I feel badly for the raisin growers.

  2. When I went for my walk this morning I got too warm because the sun broke through the clouds. It was 60 degrees. :-)


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