Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Getting Mail

We are talking real mail here, not email or texts.  

I mean pens and markers and pencils.  Different tools for different purposes. The grandkids get colorful postcards and note cards written in whatever ink strikes my fancy.  I used to keep my calligraphy supplies (a much loved but short lived hobby) in a drawer.  Now they are in the cups I've repurposed as desk accessories.  

I have a drawer full of stationary
and a collection of forever stamps 
bought just before the last price increase  (and whatever happened to our outrage about Mr. DeJoy?).

Little Cuter's colleagues sent Notre Dame swag for the Prince scholars' Colleges in Classrooms project.  I composed a generic, typed letter of thanks.  Along with two of these tiny magnets of the scholars at work and play,

 I sent each donor a personal note, on GRIN stationary accumulated over the last 12 years. 

One recipient sent Little Cuter a picture of her packet with the caption Day Made.

All too often it's flyers and solicitations and bills in the mail (I have a tendency to forget about emailed bills).  But every once in a while there's an envelope addressed to Grandma and Grandpa, or a postcard of a naked lady from someone related to Daddoooooo, who was on a lifelong mission to see what the USPS would consider pornography.  Those kinds of things tend to live on the kitchen island for a while, reminding me that we are loved.


  1. I have always sent lots of mail, but, alas, get very little in return. Sometimes, if I see the recipient of my mail in person, they profusely thank me for the lovely, note, card, etc. I always say you're welcome and how much I love getting mail so know that others do too. Hint, hint...

  2. I am one of eight women in our "stamping club." We still Zoom every Monday night and show each other the cards we've made that week. The absolute highlight of my birthday and Christmas is receiving the cards these friends have made for me! Other than that, I get very little personal mail except for the few people that still send out Christmas cards. I too have quite a stash of the Forever stamps (I send homemade cards to others besides the stamp club ladies) and I too wonder why DeJoy is still there, doing his best to run the P.O. into the ground.


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