Thursday, February 20, 2025


We were early.  Our gate wasn't ready. The pilot took us in a scenic tour of Chicagoland, starting with the far suburbs. 
And then,  because the fates were smiling at me, out my window came the city. 
He flew us out over Lake Illinois 
which was frozen out to the water filtration stations. 
The sun tried to peek out over Navy Pier.
And then we headed north,  over Lincoln Park and Belmont Harbor before turning west. 
We landed and taxied and reached our gate,  which was in the same concourse as my connecting flight.  The downside was the nearly three hour layover. 

I fed myself lunch at a Blackhawks themed sports bar,  where the ordering and paying was done by scanning a QR code pasted to the table.  I only needed a little help figuring out how to pay. 

And then,  with two plus hours left, I took advantage of the free pass to the United Club,  where I now sit in a comfy padded chair, phone charger plugged in at the end table by my side,  a free beer in my hand, typing to you. 
It's a good start to a great weekend with my big grandkids. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like that dreaded flight was actually rather enjoyable. You are in a good mood to see those "big" grands.


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