Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Brief Escape As We Teeter On The Edge

Will the Executive Branch refuse an order from the Judiciary?  What happens if the answer is yes?  

Nothing for me to do about it tonight; all the offices I call are closed.  Why wallow, then?  Instead, I'll leave you with photos of Prince scholars eating lemons.

Why?  I do not know.  I had a shopping bag filled with some of my neighbor's harvest, and it's a good thing she has offered me more.  They were lining up for a wedge, then half a wedge, then wondering if I'd have more tomorrow.

Of course, not everyone was thrilled.  

I sent her home with some seeds in a pot; her visit to Grandma's Garden wasn't a total disaster.  

Isn't that leaving you with a better feeling in your heart, even for just a minute?  

What?  You need more?  How about this example of cooperation and problem solving and willingness to help?
That's three cubic feet of soil they are toting, weighing somewhere between 75 and 150 pounds.  They rearranged themselves to get through the gate, without resting it on the ground or asking for advice.  
They certainly didn't whine. After all, it says it on the t-shirts: Mustangs find a way, not an excuse.

There, now.  You must be filled with just a little bit of hope for what kind of a country these kids will inherit.  They believe they are the change.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!