Friday, October 4, 2024

Planning For Planting

Guy the Garden Guy is working on the irrigation at Grandma's Garden.  It seems that the main which feeds the middle school also feeds Prince, which makes sense since they share a campus.  But when the middle school needs the irrigation turned off, no one remembers to tell us.  

This is a problem since it's time to plant onions and carrots  - two of our favorite veggies.  I can create ollas from clay pots, but that's not much help for the mandarin orange tree, which needs a deep watering every two weeks. 

I carefully curated the donated seeds, saving the ones that have proven themselves worthy of another chance and returning those that other schools might like.  Once the temperatures moderate, we will be able to get to work.

At home, I have different problems.  

My rose tree is looking poorly.  The rose bushes along the front pathway look even worse.  The one potted rose in the back is blooming a third time.  Perhaps I should learn a lesson and put the rest of them in pots, too.  

The hollyhock seeds never gave me anything but leaves.  The aphids were happy to munch on them.  I'd have preferred the 8' stalks topped by gigantic flowers that the packet promised.  The tall planters haven't been repotted for a decade; it's time to remedy that situation.  

My succulent garden in the front portico needs refurbishing as well.  I bought an adenium when JannyLou and I hit the cactus nursery last Saturday; I need to prepare its winter indoor resting place.  I bought a sickly $1 columnar cactus which also needs a home.  

There's mistletoe in some of the trees.  TBG can't walk under the low hanging olive branches.  The hibiscus have overgrown the hose bib and are competing for ground space with the white lantana.

I think I've just created a To Do list for the garden crew coming next week.  Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. OH, how lovely to have a garden crew. I've been tempted a few times, but timing and money will out. Terry has been able to take care of most of it, except the big tree pruning jobs, until recently when his health has been on the wane. Because I've let the front yard go wild, I've had a few gardeners. show up at the door and ask to do the work. No, I like the look, and I'm afraid they would trim it all back too much if I took their offer. But there are some areas that definitely need to be cut back and cleaned up. It is a conundrum.


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