Monday, October 7, 2024

Close Reading, Part One

I've done a lot of reading this week, none of it in books.  Most of it has been quite upsetting.

100 of these beautiful postcards arrived from, a non-partisan advocacy group for mothers and children.  The verbiage on the front is also beautiful, and non-partisan in a Get Out The Vote way:  
We love our kids more than anything. 
Vote for our freedoms, our families, our future. 
It's the back that gave me pause.  After VOTING DAY IS ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER  5TH! #Moms Vote in Spanish and English, there is this:
Who you vote for is your secret, but if you vote is public record and will be cherished by future generations.
After hours of pondering, I came to believe that a non-English speaker left out a word or two that would lend coherence :
Who you vote for is your secret, but if you vote, there is a public record which will be cherished by future generations.

That's a beautiful sentiment.  I am a citizen and I voted every time I could.  Look!  Here's the record! And NO, I will not tell you about my vote. It is my secret.... as yours will be your secret.

It is forward thinking and loving and patriotic and it rankled so in my brain that I couldn't bring myself to invite anyone to share the chore.  

Big Cuter and I share a refrain - if there are words, I will read them.  Sometimes I wish I didn't read so well.


  1. I stumbled over that wording too and had to reread it several times.
    The sentiment is pleasant, but I really want to tell people WHO NOT to vote for. :-)

    1. The instructions were "we are non-partisan; don't include any candidate or position - just GOTV"


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!