Yesterday, I found a notification on Lenore the Lenovo. If I clicked here I could download Windows 10. Or, if I preferred, I could schedule the installation for a more convenient time. I chose the latter, set it up for 11pm, rescheduled it when I was still awake and computing at 10:50, thought it began and found it had not, and installed it this morning while I ate my yogurt and watched the end of Zorro.
It was frightening at first. I don't like change, and everything looked different. I couldn't find my icons and I was, somehow, starting with my desktop view instead of the Lenovo's tablet tiled view. It was confusing, but I didn't have time to panic. I was late to Pilates.
I turned off Lenore (a much simpler process with the new installation - two less clicks to locate the power button) and decided to worry about it when I got back. I sweated, I shopped for sweet treats, I stopped in at another elementary school in the Amphi District and visited with old friends for a while. The teacher shortage is a reality - do you know someone who wants to teach 4th grade in the desert Southwest? I can arrange a contact.

I visited the garden store for replacement plants for those containers chomped by critters while I was away.
I picked up new pictures of FlapJilly and her uncle to redecorate my living spaces.
3We call this one her snarfle face. Is it a kiss? Is it her fiend face? Is she perturbed?
It makes us smile, whatever it means, especially since most of the time we see this 4
I got lunch. I came home.
It was time to turn on Lenore and explore Windows 10. I admit to a certain amount of anxiety, which was exacerbated by the fact that waking her up was taking longer than usual. I reminded myself to take some deep breaths. I wandered around the house. I came back to find my pictures streaming effortlessly across the screen.
With a little bit of effort I managed to locate my photos. I began to customize my Start Menu. I'm getting used to the icons on the bottom of my screen. Microsoft even sent me a pop up asking if I needed help.
I could get used to this.
Terry got the Windows 10 months ago as a developer and started playing with it. He has it on what he calls "a virtual machine." don't ask me what that means.
ReplyDeleteI use Apple products. A month or so ago I hightailed it out to the Apple store and downloaded Yosemite OS so as to appease the computer gods, and my husband. I guess if you don't update the operating system you lose the ability to get updates and security fixes. Terry is all about security fixes. So far, everything is working fine and best of all, I didn't lose my Adobe products.
OK, I won't ask!
I have heard it is a good program, and I am gld to know you like it as well. I may get it later this week.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Flapjilly is as adorable as her name!