Thursday, January 4, 2024

Random Thoughts

The sixth load of laundry is spinning away.  The air mattress is deflated and folded; the two inch foam topper is stashed in a box in the corner awaiting being crushed in a space bag.  Pool towels galore have been folded and stored in the closet, awaiting the return of either warmer temperatures or enthusiastic grandkids.

TBG put away the pots and pans and knives and scrapers that were overwhelming the kitchen counter.  The refrigerator has fewer left overs.  Most of the holiday decor has been relocated to the garage,  although it's not in boxes nor ready to be put away.  The tree is still lit and ornamented, and the giant balls are still hanging from the trees outside.

I have a lot of work to do, but I'm making time to write to you.  After all, I don't want you to feel that I've abandoned you entirely.
I found a box of presents I didn't remember to distribute.  They will go in the closet for 2024's celebration.  

A box of presents I awaited arrived yesterday.  I tried to offer some of them to Little Cuter last night, after she'd packed everything they brought with them and accumulated on the visit.  

Please, Mom, no more presents! was not something I thought I'd ever hear, but there it was.  The hair clips were returned to the Secret Hiding Place, awaiting another gifting opportunity.
It's ccccold outside.  This is the Winter Wear Window - two or three weeks where the few sweaters and jackets that haven't been donated come out of retirement and onto my body.  

Of course, ccccold in Tucson is balmy everywhere else in January.  A high of 54 is an assault to the senses here.  

I sent my grandchildren home to temperatures in the low 30's under cloudy skies.  There won't be any outdoor swimming for them for many months.  That thought prompted SIR to inform me that he and Little Cuter think that Tucson would be a great retirement destination.

I spent two blissful weeks without watching the news.  Metropolitan Diary was the only part of the first section of the Sunday NYTimes that I read.  I listened to cd's instead of NPR in the car.  

Today, I decided to reenter the world.

There is bloodshed in the Middle East.  There was another school shooting.  The Lying Liar is lying away.  Strange creatures are vying to be Arizona's Republican nominee for US Senate.  UofA's men's basketball team is losing to teams they should defeat.  

I was much happier when I wasn't paying attention.
Those are the random thoughts left over from two weeks of wonderfulness with my whole family under one roof.  

I'm no longer going to have to figure out who wants what for dinner when - no mean feat when the audience of nine ranges from 8 months to 74 years of age. No one is asking me to play mancala, or take a walk through the neighborhood.  There is only laundry and the occasional stray sock to remind me of what's missing.

I wish we all lived closer to one another.

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