Tuesday, March 11, 2025

I Should Be Happy

Since I left her house in January,  HoneyBunny has been asking to call me.  

A plaintive Baba Phone? and a compliant parent is all it takes to connect us.

The screen opens to a happy, silly, smiling, glad to see me, not quite two year old grandbaby.

She has breakfast with me.  She watches me cook.  I watch her climb and jump and kiss her baby brother. She's quite demanding if life forces me to move away from the camera.  Her displeasure is replaced by a big grin but the point has been made.  

At least that's how it's been until last week.  Suddenly, TBG's sporadic appearances are multi-grain to my plain white bread.  The calls come on my phone so it's my face she sees.... and she can't wait for me to finish saying hello before she wonders about Granpa??? Granpa???  

He's always been happy to join the party, but he has less endurance than I do.  Until last week, he could say goodbye without consequences.  Not so much any more.  The child knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.  

Grandpa has been smitten since she was several weeks old.  He finds her delightful, not demanding.  That's a good thing because when he's not on the phone she's not, either.  He left for spin class this morning and she pouted and cried and Daddy had to hang up the phone.

I suppose this lovely relationship should make me happy, and on most levels it does. 

It's hard not to be a little jealous, though.


  1. Oh how I love technology that connects us to our grandkids. Our almost-16 year old granddaughter FaceTimed her grandpa Sunday evening while she sat on the kitchen floor eating dinner. She wanted to know about the planes he flew in the Air Force.

    He didn't. He was in the Air National Guard and took photos and set up media events. Yes, he did fly ON some of the jets so as to get photos, but he never actually flew anything. In his very early military history he was in the Army National Guard and drove tactical vehicles.

    It was quite the hysterical conversation and they both practically rolled on the floor laughing. Well, Leeya actually did roll on the floor as she was already sitting there. Grandpa asked her what had happened to their chairs, and her reply was the floor was already available so she took it. Her mother was sitting next to her, leaning against the stove as she watched crazy cat videos. What an evening!

  2. What a cutie. Sorry that you have been replaced in her affections by grandpa.

  3. She's quite the rascal, sorry you been displaced. I wonder why the sudden switch? Two year olds, what ya gonna do? :)


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