Friday, August 4, 2017

Our Last Day

Gramma and Grampa like the main library in South Bend, so we took FlapJilly to story time today.
Miss Amy read books about bears.  FlapJilly sat, stoically, watching, not jumping or clapping or dancing.  She paid close attention to every word of every story, but said not a word.  Miss Laura, her first pre-school teacher, was there and said Hi! but the kid was non-plussed.

As soon as the program was finished, she was back to her usual jovial self.  She dragged us by the hand to the railroad cars by the windows, insisting that we Sit Dere! while she sat across from us, reading a book of her own choosing. 
She and Grampa had a fine time with the castle and the imaginary princesses and dragons.  Her tiny fingers climbed the inner staircases and jumped off the towers as she created her own story time.
We couldn't leave without playing with this, the only toy I never bought for The Cuters.
Their pediatrician had one, and playing with it was the special reward they received for going to their appointments.  FlapJilly and Grampa had fun with the shapes, spinning them and schussing them around and around and around.

We hit Red Robin for burgers and mac-and-cheese and we all finished every bite.
She's down for her nap as I type to you, wiping a tear or two as I consider the fact that we're leaving her big blue eyes and her curly golden hair and her delightful disposition on the morrow.  

It will be good to be home, back to our usual routine, sleeping in our own bed, exercising in our own gyms.  I'm trying to concentrate on that, rather than on the gigantic hole in my heart.

They are planning a trip to the desert.  It can't come soon enough.

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