Monday, May 22, 2017

Little Cuter's Special Day

That's my girl on her first day of school.

My girl, the one who has had a smile on her face from the moment that first bite of real food - a deep dish Chicago pizza crust - crossed her lips.  She wanted to join the party, and once she did, she's rarely found it wanting.

She had always been a wonderful kid; now she is a wonderful grown up. 

Remembering..... I stand in her kitchen, wondering where the splatter screen might be hiding, and she laughs, gently shaking her head, and, as she tells me it is no where because she doesn't have one... and I flash to G'ma standing in my kitchen wondering where my aprons were stored.... and to my own, gentle laughter, as I gave the same reply.

It's a memory from my adulthood, and now I have it from the other side.

And still, she's my little girl.  She's the one who read all the Babysitters Club books and those pink ones about the ponies and who listened to Rosalind-the-Bookseller's suggestions that she expand her horizons and then she became an English major.

She's the one who was surprised that everyone else in the 6th grade hadn't figured out the simplest thing, Mom.  If you don't fight with anyone then you can sit anyplace at lunchtime.  
You are a smile surrounding my heart, Little Cuter.   

Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!

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