Friday, October 21, 2016

Scary Clowns

Have you heard of them?  Ask a youngster with access to YouTube to show you one, I refuse to link to such nonsense.

Following on the heels of an unsubstantiated report of children being lured into the South Carolina woods by an evil, scary clown, the interwebs have exploded with videos purporting to show teens battling fright wigs and face paint.  Mr. 11 and Mr. 13 spent a recent evening talking sports with TBG as the game was on our tv and begging me to watch the clown videos.

No, thank you, I have no interest in being scared.

It's not scary.  It's funny.  Watch this one..... this one.... this one....

Since nothing is more persistent than an 11 year old on a mission to improve my life, I looked.  A car full of kids crushing a clown beneath their tires, over and over again.  A clown with a machete chasing a kid.  On and on and on it must have gone, but two were enough for me, but not for Mr. 11.  He giggled until it was time to leave.

Fast forward a week or two, to my nail salon and Thiu, whose fingers I carry around on the ends of my arms.  Her 4th grade daughter is refusing to dress up for Halloween.  She's scared of it all.... especially the clowns.

Yes, it's on YouTube.  Yes, all the kids with phones show it to everyone.  Yes, she's terrified.

So I shared the beginning, the middle, and the end of Mr. 11's story, hoping to help.  Here's the end:

Amster called me the next morning, laughing.  Guess where Mr. 11 slept last night?  In my bed... because the clowns were scary.

I'm really glad I didn't see any more of those videos.

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