I didn't tell you about nearly falling down the escalator or Lourds.
Don't worry, all that and more is coming in this post. Since you, denizens, are the reason for The Burrow, it seems only fitting that you share in the joy of the largest blogging conference in America. If you couldn't be there with me, I'll have to bring you along by the written word.
That picture shows the stuff we got on the first day. Moo Cards offered freebies if you pre-ordered in time. I used the opportunity to spread the word about getting involved.
I now have the ability to provide immediate assistance when my companion is at a loss; the card shows how easy it is to make our voices heard. The cards come in a reusable, sturdy, little, white box (it's in the front on the left with the blue wrapper) which fits neatly in my purse to keep the cards pristine. The worker bee had noticed my name in the drawer; she went right to it when Little Cuter and I approached the booth.
I now have the ability to provide immediate assistance when my companion is at a loss; the card shows how easy it is to make our voices heard. The cards come in a reusable, sturdy, little, white box (it's in the front on the left with the blue wrapper) which fits neatly in my purse to keep the cards pristine. The worker bee had noticed my name in the drawer; she went right to it when Little Cuter and I approached the booth.
I love freebies, especially when they help me shout about my passions. So does Little Cuter.
Most of the exhibitors in the Expo section were promoting businesses, but some were promoting love. My girl got her fix of puppy love, not once
but twice
as the ASPCA and the Chicago Humane Society brought tiny beasts for her to cuddle. She was a rock star at the booth once she told them that she and SIR found Thomas, the Wonder Dog, at their shelter. "Good for you!" "Yay!" "You are so wonderful!" "That's great!" If she didn't know how special she was before then, the message was reinforced loud and clear.
We played with carpet washers
and ate less-than-noteworthy breakfasts
and found new and interesting ways to embarrass my son.
Love is found in many incarnations. Although Big Cuter is dismayed to have this image in his head ("Some things cannot be un-seen" he wrote on Facebook),
the Trojan booth had a short line so I spun the wheel. Along with a variety of lubricants (who knew there were so many?) I won a special toy. I will not be sharing a picture; this is a family friendly site and (my) children are reading. I can tell you that I annoyed my daughter all afternoon by laughing about the huge, five speed, three settings item in my bag. The package included batteries. 'Nuf said.
Did you think you were seeing things in my hair? You were. On Saturday, Ren put a blue feather in my hair, along with the yellow and gold and turquoise chalk highlights. This was my second time in the chair in the Windex booth; as Little Cuter pointed out, the colors coordinate with the product. While she was gaga over Windex's new pump sprayer
People stopped and stared; I smiled back. I can hardly wait to get back to Tucson and add them in a more permanent fashion. These were painted on with a brush, wetted and taking color from a pastel stick. It washed out in the shower, which is why I needed to go back to Ren on Saturday for more, and the feather. The feather is still with me; she says it will last for three weeks. I forget that it's there until the wind blows it into my eyes.

Click through to her site. She is amazing. There was smoke rising from her bow as she accompanied her musical biography. She played classical violin with touring orchestras at the age of three. At seven, she jumped from the stage and joined the audience, playing her heart out. The conductor told her she had affronted the classical community and was no longer a part of it... at all. She was alone... at seven.
A National Spelling Bee contestant, a straight-A student, the good daughter as her father beat her mother, she found her inner rebel, her latent super hero, as she tried to recapture the joy she felt when she was surrounded by those who were listening to her... at seven. That journey has been turned into a Broadway-bound musical, with a twist. The musical has a sibling, The Lightning Girl FUN-dation, which will encourage children to find their inner super-heroes through the arts. This is a woman who has leaned in entirely; she is doing what she would do if she were not afraid. Sheryl Sandberg would be proud.
The whole convention was like that. I felt empowered and uplifted and amazed. I was surrounded by people who were reveling in our shared experience, who were learning and leaning and loving every minute of it. I'll finish the tale tomorrow. For now, go spend some time with Lourds Lane; you won't regret it. Then, tell me about your superhero.
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