Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Sad But True - A Snippet

There was a commercial on Monday Night Football.  The young people (they were all young people), tattooed with wild make up and hair dyes, were wearing NFL logoed clothing.

They seemed happy to be wearing the hats and sweaters and sweatshirts.  They were smiling and there was music playing.

And then there were words on the screen.  

The Drip is in The Details

I looked at TBG.  He looked at me. Neither of us had a clue.

What we did have was the immediate recognition that this was yet another way the world was telling us that we are old.  

Except for medicines, clinics, and incontinence products, we are of no interest to advertisers.  

And then I remembered Daddooooo trying to teach me The Lindy in our living room and my indignant response that no one was doing old fashioned dancing any more.

Sorry, Daddooooo.  I should have recognized your pain.


  1. I seldom pay much attention to tv commercials, but often when I do, I have no idea what the product is. Yes, I'm old too, but do those adds make sense to anyone?

  2. Your granddaughter may be able to give you a better description than I can, but here goes: "drip" is the new word for "stylish" for "looking good."


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!