Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Going to Hell in a Handbasket

I'm too exhausted, physically and emotionally, to focus on the heartbreaking situation in Israel and Gaza.  So, I'm finding it quite delightful that the Republicans have given us so much to think about and for the talking heads to talk about.  I was making headway into Dr. Zhivago on the airplane home, but that energy has passed.  

Instead, I'm having fun watching Ali Vitali doing fan fiction about the future of our democracy.  As the clown car containing the Republican Caucus careens down the road to destruction, I had to laugh along with Joy Reid.  She threw the papers on her desk high in the air as she gasped for breath - it's both hilarious and disastrous.  

I can't do anything but contact my Congressman, which in our case is an exercise in futility.  There are those in the Caucus who, I am certain, are happy to break the government into tiny little pieces.  Certainly, the Lying Liar is of that ilk.  But I cannot believe that there aren't three or four or more Republican members of Congress who are willing to work with the Democrats so that they can govern.

Democratic Whip Katherine Clark once again nominated Hakeem Jeffries, and then addressed her Republican colleagues.  Here's her not-tweet:
“Take. Yes. For. An. Answer,” Whip CLARK tells Republicans of the still-open offer to re-open the House in bipartisan deal fashion.

 Apparently, there are no grownups over there.

And then there's Kevin McCarthy, who threw his hat into the ring.  But rather than follow that abysmal trail, I can turn to Mark Meadows who, according to ABC, struck a deal with the DOJ that will keep him out of prison.  

All the commentators, from Cassidy Hutchinson to Adam Schiff, agreed on one thing - the man has no spine. His relationship with the truth is also suspect (sus?) He wrote a book full of lies (he admitted it), and now the toady will incur the wrath of his master.  

I'm not overstating the case.  The Lying Liar now says he doesn't know Jenna Ellis.  

Then again, he didn't recognize his wife in a photo so, who knows.

It seems like the country is going to Hell in a handbasket, and I'm not enjoying the ride.


  1. I've been so busy with moving 1500 miles and winnowing three households into one while dealing with some health problems in the family that I have not kept up with blogs or news. But I can share in the exhaustion part.


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