Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Day After

I hope you enjoyed today as much as I did.  

MSNBC ran and re-ran my favorite pieces of the debate all day long, each talking head using different clips to make the same point - the guy's a loon.  

Also, she's an adult.  But most of us are accustomed to adults running for President.  A clown in a long red tie is, thankfully, a rarity.  

I love Joe Biden but I'm so glad he's not the candidate.  I've been scaring myself this afternoon, imagining two old white guys behind the podia, trying to make sense of a world gone awry .... how else to describe a world where they were the two most able Americans out of all the Americans in the land to be the leader of the free world.

I was embarrassed for us as a country.

Today was different.  With a little shove from VP Harris, his rhetoric was visible in 67 million households over 17 different media outlets.  Someone so unengaged as to be undecided saw a vital, vibrant, engaging woman verbally out-perform a hunched, oddly tanned, drivel and hatred spouting old man.

She was a grown up disciplining a toddler, then explaining why to the rest of us.  Those who tuned in to hear a thoughtful discussion of the issues saw that she is capable and he is not.  

And more than capable, she is clever and nimble. She's fun to watch and fun to hear and that's such a welcome change.  I had that thought in my head when TBG came home from the gym with a big smile on his face.

Walking across the floor from the locker room to the exit, he passed the 'roid gang, broad and chemically enhanced white men of all ages as an over-large 50-something declared  I've just gotta vote for the smile; I'm sick of all this negativity.  

Yes, it was a good day.


  1. I did not watch the debate, but I am hearing good things coming from it. I love Kamala's expressions. I too do not have a "poker face" and all my thoughts and feelings are right there for people to see. I'm always being told, "we know what you are thinking, Delaine."

  2. I though Kamala was wonderful. Will it be enough? I am hearing from her detractors that she is a liar and that the debate was rigged. Of course whenever Trump loses it's because something was rigged. The sad thing is is people believe it. I'm hearing from the "undecideds" that she was not detailed enough, that they want to hear plans that will help them, whether they are 77 or 27. Of course they all want different things, most of which a president can't deliver. Sigh.

    1. How in the world can anyone be "undecided", do they want a ranting old man that spews nonsense about immigrants eating cats or a smart, accomplished woman that will bring the right people to her administration that will actually work for the American people? But here we are.............

  3. We got rid of television when the con man took office in 2017 because I refused to listen to his voice; however, I did stream this debate. For him to claim something as true because he "...saw it on television" was on brand. He couldn't resist uttering a vulgar statement about her, but she handled it beautifully. I certainly hope Tulsi Gabbard prepares him for the next debate, too.


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