Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mute the Mic

I'll get it out of the way first.  The moderators lost control in the second half.  He was allowed to rant and she was cut off, not allowed to respond. 

If the intention was to let Trump be Trump and not sane-itize his behavior, they sure did that.  He was himself.  That probably was comforting to those who love him and ridiculous as always to those who don't.  

I don't know how the 20,000 people in six key districts (Steve Kornacki's analysis of what will swing the election) saw it.  That is terrifying.

So is the fact that he firmly believes that immigrants are stealing and eating people's pets.  

Having a plan shouldn't be a novel idea.  Everyone didn't want Roe overturned.  Victor Orban is a questionable character reference.  January 6th. Charlottesville.  I could go on, but it was enough having him in my living room for 90 minutes.  

While he was squinting, she was engaging with the camera.  If he ever looked at her the camera didn't show it.

Should they debate again?  Tim Walz said he'd encourage her to debate every day.  

Taylor Swift endorsed her, thereby influencing millions of girl dads.

It was a good night.  56 more days to go.


  1. He was a mess last night, yelling, lying, ranting about the millions of criminals pouring across the border, all of his "greatest hits". Pathetic, he came across as exactly what he is, an angry old man in severe cognitive decline with nothing to offer but name calling and insults. And yes, he did go to that absolute nonsense about Haitians eating kittens and ducks....

  2. She was practiced, poised, presidential. He was a mess.
    And yet too many people will vote for him. Baffling.

    1. How can 55% of voters in Ohio want him to be President?? Baffling, indeed.


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