Friday, July 5, 2024

(Un)Happy Fourth of July

I have an annual post that usually goes here on Independence Day. 

I'm not feeling very celebratory this year.  

Apparently, we have an all powerful President with few limits on his powers.  That's why the Declaration of Independence listed all the things that the King did to force his subjects to dissent.

We have no way to make that bold a statement right now..... we have to wait until November and hope that the rest of the voting public sees the danger the same way we do.

November is a long way off.  A convicted felon is a major party candidate.  The Supreme Court is corrupted by partisan politics and unethical conduct.  My blood pressure is 157 over 92.

This is not good.  

I'm making a commitment to register every citizen I encounter; I'm going to get the forms and carry them around in my purse. I'm going to write Get Out The Vote postcards for every campaign I can.  I'll send dollars when I'm able.  

I'm just not going to watch the news.  I'm going to pore over the Project 2025 manuscript and commit its outrages to memory, having them handy when a conversation warrants pulling them out.

Can you think of something else (besides phone banking - I don't answer spam - and door knocking -too scary)?  I'm all ears.

This must be stopped.  I like America, our republic, if we can keep it.  Where are Ben Franklin and George Washington when we need them? 


1 comment:

Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!